Don't Mess With Tim's Coffee

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Dick munched on his strawberry flavoured pop-tarts, next to his blank-faced younger brother.

"Tim? Timmy? Timbo? Timborine?" Dick waved a hand in front of Tim's dazed face, who was apparently in either a very deep though or day-dreaming.

He was holding a coffee cup in front of him, in mid sip, his hair dishevelled and wearing a sweatshirt and pants. His eyes had slight bags under them, leaving Dick wondering how much sleep Tim had had this week.

"You okay Tim?" Dick asked, once again earning no words from Tim. Damn, that guy must be in a coffee-coma. And wow, when did that coffee cup end? Never, it seemed that the coffee was never-ending.

He waved his hand in front of Tim's face again, hoping for a reaction from his little brother. Maybe he was thinking about his work at Wayne Enterprises, or his Red Robin work? I snapped my fingers, surely this would get a reaction.

Another snap. Still didn't wake the dazed Timmy.

Or perhaps, he had hit with some villain's gas or poison!

With that thought, Dick snatched Tim's coffee away urgently. His younger brother immediately blinked and looked to him; mind still clouded from day-dreaming.

"Tim? Finally, I was beginning to worry. Wow, when does this cup end?" Dick smiled, shaking the coffee cup, which still had coffee in it.

Tim slowly turned around to Dick, smiling sweetly and threatening Dick silently. Dick, oblivious, took a sip of the coffee.

"Wow, this coffee does taste good Timmy. No wonder why you were in a coffee coma" Dick nodded.

He then knocked the coffee down, spilling its contents. Dick didn't notice again.

"You're being so quiet. Are you upset, or just rebooting?" Dick questioned; a bit concerned.

He looked back at Tim, who had a scowl on his face, instantly turning into a glare when he had spilled the coffee. His prized coffee! Dick realised he had just broken the only rule Tim had ever had. Don't mess with Tim's coffee.

Tim lunged.

-10 Minutes Later-

Cass strutted into the kitchen, wanting a simple sandwich. With a coffee in hand, she looked into the fridge. She suddenly heard a crash from the living room.

She rushed into the living room, expecting the worst. She clenched her knuckles, and walked slowly.

And there, she saw her little brother, Timmy, and her big brother, Dick, on the floor with Tim kicking and punching Dick.

Ah, Dick must have broken the rule, Cass thought.

Meh, big brother probably deserved it.

"Go little brother!" Cass whispered quietly from where she was standing, Tim too focused on his fight and revenge to hear her. Dick, on the other hand, looked at her and mouthed 'help me'

She waved and smiled, before biting into her sandwich and walking away.

She hoped her big brother would make out of this alive.


"Ahah what happened to you" Jason raised a brow. Dick glared warily, seeming tired. His hair was a mess, as well as his clothes and his face showed an expression of annoyance and tiredness.

"Never mess with Timmy's coffee, let me tell you that" Dick mumbled tiredly. Jason's eyes widened.

"You messed with Replacement's coffee! You idiot!" Jason yelled incredulously, flaying his hands.

Dick sighed and nodded warily, as Jason's mind flashed back to when he messed with Tim and his coffee.

Tim Drake's Rule Book:

Rule 1: Don't mess with my coffee, or there will be regrets. :)

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