"Something came up so she left in between the second class."

"What? Why am I getting to know it now? Is everything okay with her?" I ask suddenly afraid something happened to her.

"No nothing happened everything is fine. Her brother came to pick her up."

"ok then" I relax. We spend rest of the lunch eating and talking.

The classes for the day are over and I walk to the library alone as Tyler had another class in some another building so he told me he will join me there. I sit at our usual table and take out my books. He joins me in 10 minutes and settles down.

"I thought you wouldn't show up" I say arranging my books.

"I will always." he says looking at me. I just stare at him. He is very good with his words. He can make you speechless.

"Do you always do that?" he says pointing his pen at my neatly arranged books.

"Yeah you should have known by now. We spend a lot of time together."

"Why do you do that with me?"

"Do what?" I ask looking up at him.

"Why do you spend a lot of time with just me and not Blake or others?" He asks looking into my eyes. I am taken back by his sudden seriousness. How do I tell him, why?

"Um...."I stutter searching for a good reply. He looks at me curiously.

"Because I like to spend time with you and not others." I go for the real reason.

"I am glad I fascinate you" she says smirking.

"OH shut up. Get back to your studies we have exam to appear for." I say giggling.

"Yes mam" he says saluting with his two fingers but starting to read his notes.

We spend two hours studying at the library and hangout a bit in the parking. There are very few cars since its after college. We go for a ice-cream later and he tells me about the time when he hangs out with his friends. I am laughing most of the time at whatever he is saying. I have never laughed soo much in my life. The days are bright with him.

We reach my house and I have only half hour to get ready to go to work. I get out of the car and he does the same. He walks me to the door like a gentleman he is. I am about to put my key in the lock,

"Ivy I wanted to tell you something" he says getting nervous all of a sudden. I look at him confused. Tyler never gets nervous so this must be something important.

"Yes I am all ears." I say playing with the keys. He shifts on his toes and looks at his car and again at me. I look at him more confused now.

"Hurry up Tyler I need to get ready for work" I say unlocking my door. He looks at hos watch and then at me.

"Yeah...umm its getting late and I need to go we'll talk later" he says already walking away. Ugh he is so confusing. I shake my head and walk inside.

I complete my shift at the café and head back home. Today was exhausting and I am super tired. I just want to go to bed straight way. I ate at the café so I just shower and get into bad.

I hate mornings especially when I am tired from working and I need to wake up early. I drag myself out of the bed and get into the bathroom to brush my teeth and take a shower. I dress up in a hoodie and dark jeans and put some lip gloss. I prepare some breakfast and I am ready to go.

The college was as usual. I didn't see Avery today. She missed the entire day of college. I sat at my usual place at lunch and now going meet Tyler at the library for our study session.

He was behaving different whole day. He was avoiding direct contact with me. I don't know whats going on with him. I decided to ask him as soon as I meet him at the library. He didn't even glance at me the whole time since he entered the library.

"Hey. Is everything alright?" I ask taking out my books.

"Ye..Yeah. Why do you ask?" he stutters looking at me nervously.

"You are acting different today. Are you avoiding me?"

"No why would I avoid you?" he asks confused.

"You are acting strange and you didn't even speak with me once today."

"Oh its nothing I had something in my mind." he says.

"Are you sure."

"Yeah" he says breathing out.

"You can tell me anything you know that, right?" I push a little.

"Yes nerd I know now can we start " he says impatiently pointing towards the books.

We spend rest of the time studying and clearing our doubts. He is more impatient when he doesn't understand something and its getting irritating to handle him today. I hope he works out whatever problem he has.

He offers to give me a ride home and even during the ride he is tapping his fingers on the wheel continuously. I say a quick bye and get out of the car. As soon as I reach my front door he is behind me like the other day.

"Ivy" he breathes out like he ran a marathon.

"Whats wrong with you Tyler?" I ask now irritated.

"You need to listen to me now and I don expect you to answer me immediately but please listen to me please. I need to take this out." he pleads.

" Ok I'm scared now what's wrong?" I ask getting nervous.

He closes his eyes for a second takes a deep breath "I really like you Ivy and I want you to be my girlfriend"



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