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It felt as if he was all alone, as if no one could bring him back from that state, even himself. 


What...am I even thinking? 

This person in front of me dispersed those thoughts. 

It was this same person in front of me that pulled me out from that state too. 

“Xue? Are you doing fine now?” Cecil questioned without turning around, taking a few steps forward. “Do you need more time? I’ll...I’ll be here if you need someone by your side.”

His heart started to pound. 

This time, Xue did not bother to hide his smile anymore. A gentle smile curved at his lips, and he closed the distance between him and Cecil. 

“The others might be worried about you--

Her words were cut off when she felt a pair of arms wrap around her shoulders from behind, and Xue rested his chin on her shoulder. 

Cecil grew flustered in an instant. 


Why--why is Xue so straightforward in his feelings today?! 

Xue sighed, his breath blowing onto her neck, though it was covered up by the dress she was wearing.

“Cecil Lan,” he muttered out, sounding tender. “It’s...really good having you by my side.” 

All at once, Cecil started to calm down from her flustered state. 

She could tell it was a vulnerable moment for Xue, and he would rarely admit something like this without hesitation. 

“Is...is that so?” She slowly raised her hand, placing it over his arm. “I am really glad to hear that, Xue.” 

“Yeah, thank you,” Xue admitted fervently, his voice trembling. “Thank you for being here.” 

There were no other words Xue could express himself at this moment. 

Cecil raised her other hand, curling her fingers around his arms. She couldn’t help smiling, feeling touched. 

Other than my parents, this is the first time someone is so openly grateful for my presence.

She tightened her fingers on his arms, as they wrapped around her just a little tighter. 

It’s warm. 

So warm. 

Cecil felt her heart flutter. 

It’s so warm...that it fills up my heart. 

The two of them were in their own world and thoughts, still smiling to themselves. They enjoyed the presence and warmth of one another, not moving from their spot. 

A long moment passed, and soft footsteps were gradually heard near the entrance of the alleyway. 

However, the couple was still immersed in their own world, unable to hear anything other than their hearts pounding in their chests. 

“Cecil! Xue!” Hana hollered out, sounding completely panicked. “Where are you?” 

K’xug trailed behind her, wearing a concerned frown on his face. 

The two of them turned to the alleyway, and Hana spotted them. In an instant, she gasped as her hand flew to her eyes, spinning around. Not knowing that K’xug was directly behind her, Hana spun around and collided into him. 

Second Lead Syndrome (1-187) | ✓Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant