Run Away part 1.

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"Oh, while I still remember, I have to leave early as well. Are you two ok to walk?" Martha asked.

"Yeah sure." Lafayette answered for them.

Alexander rolled his eyes. "Whatever."

The two walked to school that morning because Martha had to go to the store. Lafayette didn't mind, he liked the walk. Alexander on the other hand, was using this time to take in his surroundings. Finding the best way to get across town without a taxi.
When they made it to the school, Alexander happened to notice a girl with dark skin and brown hair. She got out of her car with two other girls. One with a yellow bow, and one with a blue. He stared at the girls until Laf pulled on his shoulder.

"Come on mon ami. We're going to be late!"

Alexander broke away from his thoughts. He ran inside the school and went to his locker.

"Hamilton!" He heard a voice call out. "What's up?"

"Burr!" Alexander turned behind him. "Hey man."

"Hey, anything new happen this week?"

"Umm, no not really." Alexander shook his head.

"Well, I just applied for an internship for the summer that will look amazing on a college application." Burr cheered.

"Nice. Good luck. I hope you get it."

The bell rang and everyone started going to their classes.

"I'll see you at lunch then?" Burr suggested.

"Yeah sure." Alexander nodded. "But I'll also see you in Algebra 2 in five minutes."

Burr took off to their first class and Alexander followed a minute later.

After English, Alexander went to talk to Angelica, hoping that he could be introduced to the girl he liked before he left. He didn't want to have the 'what if?' question haunting him for the rest of his life. He went up to her and tried to come up with something to say without sounding like an idiot.

"Hello." Hamilton began. "I'm Alexander Hamilton, I'm new here. Do you know a sophomore who could maybe help me out a little?"

"Oh yeah, I heard about you." Angelica smiled. She seemed as if her heart stopped for a moment. "I actually have two sisters that are sophomores. Maybe Eliza could help?"

"Eliza? She sounds nice." Alexander stated.

"She is." Angelica grabbed his arm and began dragging him down the hall.

"Where are you taking me?"

"I'm about to change your life." Angelica said. "Eliza is the sweetest person you'll ever meet. I'll introduce you and then you can talk to her if you need any help."

Alexander nodded as she kept pulling him through the school. She stopped when she saw the girl with the blue bow.

"Hey Ange." Eliza smiled.

"Eliza, this is the new kid and I said that he could talk to you if he needed anything." Angelica said.

"Oh hi." Eliza started. "Elizabeth Schuyler."

"Alexander Hamilton."

"Nice to meet you." She smiled again. She seemed like a very happy person in general.

"Could you maybe show me to French class?" Alexander asked.

"Of course." Eliza smiled once more.

"I'll leave you to it." Angelica stated before leaving.

Eliza led Alexander down another hall until they came to a room. A room that he had known full well of it's location. He just wanted to meet her.

"Here you are." Eliza gestured to the door with her hand. "Let me know if you need anything else."

"Ok, I will." Alexander smirked. He walked inside the door and took his seat.

Laf saw him talking to her and wanted to ask what happened.


"Well, I did get to talk to her which was great, but she seemed like she's never seen me before. Even though I've been here for like a month." Alexander laughed.


Alexander went over to sit down at the table he usually sat at. The one with HERCULES Mulligan and Aaron Burr. But as he walked, he ran into Thomas Jefferson. Or more accurately, Jefferson ran into him.

"Watch it! You stupid brat." Jefferson scoffed. 

"That's it!" Alexander yelled. Lafayette jumped up and grabbed his arms.

"Mon ami..."

"Laf, let me go!" Alexander complained.

Jefferson just grinned. "Learn to control that thing you call a friend."

"Heh, maybe I should let him go then." Lafayette joked.

"Go ahead. It would be nice to see you in detention." He glared at Alexander.

"And every second would be worth it!" Alexander tried to get out of Laf's grip.

"No. Alexander, calm down." Lafayette tried to get him to stop. Everyone in the cafeteria was now looking at them.

"Whatever Frenchie. Immigrants." Jefferson rolled his eyes.

"Ok." Lafayette let go of Alexander's arms and Alex practically tackled Jefferson to the floor.

"Mr. Hamilton!" Seabury happened to be the first teacher to notice. "Mr. Hamilton!"

Alexander didn't listen. He punched Jefferson in the nose and it started bleeding. Jefferson punched back and split his lip. Seabury pulled Hamilton off of Jefferson and grabbed his arm tight.

"Mr. Hamilton! If you don't learn to control yourself! You are nothing but a burden." Seabury spat at him. "Just be a stupid brat with no worth!"

Alexander let a tear fall down his cheek. All of his doubts about running away suddenly slipped from his mind. He jerked his arm away from Seabury and ran out the door. Lafayette tried to run after him, but Alexander managed to lose him.
He ran as fast as he could and made his way across town.

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