Fall Dance part 3.

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A/N: Who knows? Maybe I'll finally get to the dance in this chapter lol.

The time came. It was time to leave for the dance. One person was happy, one couldn't care less. I'll let you guess who is who.

"I still can't believe I agreed to this." Alexander mumbled. He was starting to have second thoughts about the whole situation. He stared out the car window as he weighed the pros and cons. He had a pen and paper out to make the list, but he didn't even bother to look at it until they came to a red light.

The list read.

A chance to make new friends.
A chance to actually have some fun. (Without alcohol)
A chance to maybe meet another girl.
A chance to relax.
A chance to see Eliza.

Eliza's boyfriend.
Annoying teachers.
Samuel Seabury.
A chance of being humiliated.
Going to school twice in one day.
Risking people finding out I'm a foster kid since Washington will be there.
Ugh, Jefferson.

After some debate, he realized this was a bad idea. But they already got him in the car. By the time he could get out, it was too late. He was already there.

"Just relax, mon ami." Lafayette laughed.

"Fine." Alexander sighed. "And I'm not your ami." He mumbled like a small child.

"Everything is going to be fine." Laf reassured him as he pushed Alexander through the door. "There's no turning back now." His friendly face turned into an evil smirk.

As soon as they went into the gymnasium, they were greeted by the sight of dozens of kids dancing. A few minutes past and Hercules Mulligan (It stopped autocorrecting to HERCULES MULLIGAN :( ) ran up to meet them.

"Ay! He actually came!" Herc laughed. "Guess I owe you five bucks, Frenchie."

"I told you I would convince him." Laf pat Alexander's shoulder. He was not amused.

"I promise, we always have fun." Laf promised.

Alexander sighed but nodded. Aaron Burr ran up next.

"So... anyone up for a game?" Burr asked.

"What did you have in mind?" Laf asked.

"I managed to find a copy of ~insert expensive video game cause I only play fortnite~. Let's see who's the real ladies man." Aaron suggested.

"Ok. At the end of the night, whoever got the most girls to dance with them wins." Herc stated.

"And I will win once again." Laf smirked. "Three time champ ready to go for an even four."

"To be fair, Alexander was never here before." Burr pointed out. "He seems like quite the ladies man." Burr joked

"Oooh. Laffy's getting nervous?" Herc teased.

"Please, I know the girls in this school like the back of my hand. This kid just showed up." Laf stated. "No offense."

"None taken." Alexander stated.

"Alright, gentlemen. Game on!" Herc grinned.

All four began to spread out across the gym, looking for young ladies to woo. (I hope that's spelled right. I don't think it is though...)

All was going well, until Alexander happened to catch a glance at Eliza. She was wearing a beautiful short, dark blue dress with an elbow length jacket over top. She, sadly, was standing right next to Henry Knox. Alexander walked over without letting either of them see him. He didn't mean to eavesdrop, but he did.

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