The blonde glared at the pet name but said nothing as the brunette followed the male out onto the balcony where he promptly shut the sliding glass door.

"She got really mad at him this time I guess," Hayato sighed, leaning back in the armchair.

Keigo looked at him questioningly.

He nodded at the pair. "She's been ignoring him for about a week now, hasn't said a word to him since. She hasn't even spared him a glance since we walked in. He knows he's been a dick to the both of you and he knows she's not gonna give in so he's gonna apologize.

Hayato's words didn't help much. "If he knows he's being a jackass why the hell is he doing it?" he wondered.

"Is it cool if I grab something to drink?" he asked him.

Keigo nodded and turned his attention to the balcony. He trusted Mariko, he just wanted to make sure Araya didn't try anything.

Mariko leaned against the wall and crossed her arms. "What is it?" she asked, scowling.

"You've been ignoring me the past week. I don't like it," Araya stated boldly.

"You're right. You caused too much trouble and it pissed me off."

The dark-haired male shrugged. "I was just establishing my dominance so Hawks knows who you belonged to first," he told her.

At that, the brunette's expression hardened. Her normally bright blue irises turned a steely grey and she cut him a sharp glare that stopped him from saying anything else. "Say shit like that again and I'll toss you off the balcony. I refuse to be around a possessive asshole. Damn you're so full of shit. Get out of my fucking house," she spat turning towards the door.

Before she could pull it open though, Araya grabbed her wrist. "Wait, please," he said, his voice softer now.

The brunette stiffened at the contact for a moment and sighed in relief. "Finally." Now that he'd gotten that shit out of his system they could have an actual conversation.

"You know I need you, right Mari?" he asked suddenly. "I know we don't spend a lot of time together anymore, but you're my best friend. I need you just as much as he does..." he trailed off for a moment and ran his hand through his hair. She could tell he was stressed; it was understandable, just like her, he'd been raised with the philosophy "the less said the better." It was as uncomfortable for him as it was for her. "I can tell you mean the world to him Mari. I just wanted to make sure... he needed to know that you're mine's too. Hayato's got his own family now, everyone's gone their separate ways or are dead... you're all I've got," he told her.

The brunette sighed softly and turned around. She twisted her hand so that she was holding his. "I love you. Always have, always will," she told him honestly.

Keigo- whose quirk had allowed him to hear the whole conversation- felt his face turn red with anger.

Hayato watched as the male suddenly got up and walked out the front door.

"You love him too though," Araya pointed out.

She nodded. "I do, and that's not gonna change either. So, you guys are currently the two most important people in my life. Which means..."

"I have to fight for dominance."

Mariko glared at him. "No, you idiot. It means you two have to play nice."

He crossed his arms. "I will as long as he does too."

The brunette groaned loudly, "Jesus Christ I'm surrounded by five-year-olds."

Araya chuckled and cupped her face in his hands. He placed a soft kiss on her forehead. "You can't leave me behind, got it? You're all I've got. You're my only family," he reminded her.

Mariko nodded. "I know, I'm not going anywhere. Family sticks together."

As the two entered the living room, Hayato pointed to the front door. "I don't know what you guys talked about, but Hawks sure as hell heard something 'cus he just up and left," he informed them.

The pair looked at each other.

"You don't think he heard where you said you loved me then up and left do you?" he asked nervously.

Mariko sighed, "That's probably exactly what happened." She gestured to the front door, "As always your visits complicate my life. Thanks for stopping by and stay safe out there."

Araya smiled guiltily. Hayato ruffled her hair, wishing her best of luck as they lest.

Quickly, she grabbed her phone and texted him.


            Can we talk? Where are you?

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