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[Among US AU, cmon did yall really think I wouldn't eventually do this? I've been playing it damn near everyday with my mates, I LOVE IT]

"EMERGENCY MEETING, EVERYONE TO THE CAFETERIA!!!" the overhead speaker blaired.

"Fuck," Violet thought as she retracted her razor sharp tongue from the skull of Marlon. His lime-green coloured spacesuit stained in his blood as his helmet was struck, brain matter splattering all along the walls of electrical. Violet wiped off as much blood as she could, thank goodness she chosen a red spacesuit for her mission.

"Where's the body," an overally joyous AJ chimed in. Everyone looked at him.

"The kid was with me in Shields, calm the fuck down," Louis threatened.
"Where was everyone's posistions?"

"Storage," Clem lifted up a half full gas container.

"Reactor with Mitch," Willy showed us a selfie they both took.

"I was in Electrical," Violet admitted. "I was alone, fixing the wires."

"I was scanning at Medbay," Minerva mentioned as she looked at the lists of potential killers.
"So, Marlon, Brody, Tenn, they all are dead. No ideas, so skip?"

"Sounds good to me," everyone chimed in.

"Alright, back to work!," Louis yelled as he and AJ ran towards Security.

"They have no clue what they've just done," Minerva whispered to Violet. Violet's eyes glowed red.

"No idea at all," she licked her lips as she parted ways with her killer teammate.

As she walked down towards Navigations, a familiar voice cried out in a struggle.
"Hey, Vi? Mind giving me a hand with the O2 filter? It's all fucked up with leaves." She popped her head out from the filter, her orange helmet scratched by branches and covered in leaves.

"Sure, Clem." Violet walked over to her, feeling ravengious and hungry as her desire to hunt an innocent prey grew stronger and stronger. She grabbed a few handful of debris and tossed them aside as Clem cleaned out the last bit of dust and leaves.

Three, two, one-

"HEY GUYS," Violet exhailed as she was forced to supress her hunger. The duo turned and was greeted by Minerva and Mitch.
"Minerva wanted to show me how to fix the O2 filter."

"Well, me and Vi just fixed it."

"Oh," Minerva looked at me.
"Time for Plan B-" She launched at Mitch, devouring him whole. Clementine watched in horror as her crewmate was devoured by the parasitic imposter. Without a moment to think, Violet slashed Clem's heart with her piercing tongue, just as she reached for her airhorn. The canister dropped from her hands, falling to the floor and rolled to the vent. Violet's body stiffened as Clementine plopped to her knees and then to the floor. Minerva locked all entry ways to our location as we looked at each other devilishly.

"No hard feelings, bud. Just doing my mission," Minerva smiled as she looked at Mitch's little buddy sitting on the spot he died.
"Aweee," she picked up the small grey mini crewmate.
"Such a cutie." The mini crewmate began crying softly, mourning the lost of its father.
"Shhhh, it's okay," she took her fingers and dipped it into Marlon's blood and wiped it on the baby crewmate.
"There, you're red just like Vi."

"Ma...ma. Mama!," the child spoke. The mini crewmate latched onto Violet. Violet smiled softly.


Both Minerva and Violet groaned in protest. As they walked the seemingly endless metallic hallways of Skeld, they finally entered the cafeteria and sit around the table.

"So," Louis begun the meeting.
"Clementine and Mitch are now dead. Leaving only me, AJ, Willy, Violet and Minerva left." Everyone agreed.
"Obviously there are two imposters at this table. If they kill one more crewmate, it's game over." Everyone nodded and understood. Louis glanced over at Minerva.
"Are...are you covered in blood?!" Minerva, unsurprised by Louis, calmly replied with a simple "No." but it was apparent. The white coloured uniform of hers was stained head to toe with blood not of hers.

"We have to vote someone out. There's a 40% chance we vote out one of the imposters," Willy slammed his fist on the table. Everyone looked at their tablets.

Who's the Imposter?

□ WillyDilly
□ Mini
□ AJ
□ Purple
□ SinCity

Everyone locked in their answers in secret. Minerva's eyes opened wide as 3 people voted for her, including her partner.


"Majority rules, Red," Violet smirked as she grabbed Minerva by her suit and tossed her into the chamber.
"Have fun floating in space, Imposter." She opened the air chambers and Minerva was sucked into the vacuum of space.

Mini was an Imposter. 1 imposter remaining.

"Forgive me, Minerva," I whispered to myself.
"2 kills and that's it. I can do this."

Reactor Meltdown Inemitent in

20 seconds.



"OH FUCK," Louis yelled as he ran towards Reactor. A metalloc gate closed right behind him, locking me, Willy, and AJ in the same room.




"THE FUCKING DOORS WON'T OPEN," AJ yelled as he ferciously tried to pry open the doors. Without much thought, Violet stabbed Willy in the back of his head and tossed his lifeless body down a vent shaft. AJ was too busy to even notice.




The doors unlocked as the two rushed to Reactor.




"Reactor Meltdown averted." Everyone sighed in relief.

"Wait, where's Willy," Louis asked.

"I know where the kid is."
Violet took off her helmet, crimson eyes fiercly glowing at the last two survivors.
"Let me show you." A razor sharp tongue ejected itself from Violet's mouth, piercing the glass of Louis' helmet. As his corpse dropped to the ground, all attention was on AJ.
"Game over little man."

*screen cuts to black*

Violet took off my VR headset along with the others.
"Another imposter win, woohoo," Violet cheered. The others groaned im defeat.

"Well played, Purple. I thought for sure you were gonna blow it when I got voted off," Minerva smiled.

"It's all about being 999 IQ...or having Louis be -15 IQ."

"Hey! No fair, that was my first game!"

"I'm up for another dub if yall are."

"Heck yeah," everyone replied.


Short oneshot ik ik ik
With working 35+ hrs a week, i do be having no time to create oneshots. Or at least, no motivation to. But this was on my mind for a few months, maybe I'll rewrite it later to be more detailed but
much to my dismay but
At least I updated before 2020 was over with
Forever always
The inconsistent writer

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