just listen to me

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"If you need a friend, please, just say the word."


Aasim chuckled as he sat at the edge of my bed.
"It'll be okay dude."

I sighed as I wiped the tears from my eyes.
"It's just so much man. This shit sucks."

"Love sucks man."

"Says you. You're dating Ruby-"

"Was. We broke up a month ago."

"Oh. Sorry man." He just shrugged as he chugged his can of Sprite.
"Maybe it was for the best."

"She was going off to college and didn't want me to bring her down. I....it's whatever." He looked at me and sighed.

"A-sim-ulation," I smiled. "What's up man? You seem anxious."

"Can....we talk? Not, not here. Um. Just come to the roof after sundown?"

"You know how the headmaster feels about us sneaking off after dark. I'm totally on board, just blaming you if shit hits the fan."

"That's fair. See ya soon." He left my room and closed the door behind him.

"I wonder what's up," I yawned as I laid back on my bed.
"A few hours to nap."

                 *    *    *    *    *    * 
Aasim's POV

"Violet?" The blonde scarred pirate looked at me as she stuffed her mouth with chicken nuggets.

"What's up," she burped as I sat next to her outside in the courtyard.

"Can I tell you something?"

"Could I stop ya?"

I took a deep breath before blurting out "I think I like guys."

"Con- *burp* -grats man."

"I don't know, I'm so confused. I was dating Ruby and now, now I think I like Louis and it's just-"

"HEY! Hey, it's okay Aasim." She hugged me as I began to have a nervous breakdown.
"Sexaulity is complicated dude. I think you should give it a shot, ya know, ask Lou out."

"Does he even like dudes in this sorta way?"

"Not sure but ya never know if you don't try. Love conqueres all, moreorless. Think about me and Minerva for example. I asked her out when I was totally convinced she had feelings for dudes."

"Why, no, how did you do it?"

Violet sighed as she tossed her empty Mcdonalds bag into a nearby trashcan.
"The rooftops. I asked her out on a clear night amongst the stars. I was upfront and honest about how I felt, which was the hardest part." She sighed as she recalled that night of passion and love.
"So when did you first realize?"

"Pardon me?"

"When did you first start to feel something towards Louis? You don't gotta answer if it's too personal."

Her question actually left me dumbfounded. For the first time, ol' brainiac Aasim didn't have an immediate answer.

"I...don't know. I mean, I remember when I first got here last year and Louis was playing the piano. I remember being captivated by the music and I would admire the melody from afar...."

"Just the melody?"

"Maybe more. Then I remember in winter, I was chilling underneath a tree reading and he came up to me and asked me to go with him outside the walls to go ice skating on the lake...."

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