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[I ship Violentine but Clouis is cute too so here we go] [Modern AU-just read it]

Clememtine's POV
College life isn't easy- expecially when your majoring in Bio-Medical Engineering. The classes are filled with males besides my best friend and roommate Violet, but one boy has certainly caught my eye. Tall, dark, handsome- FUCK! I THINK I'M CRUSHING!

"Is this how straight people flirt?" was all I heard as I came back to reality and wipped the drool from my face. Violet bursts into laughter and rolls on the floor. I blush and help her off the floor.

"Not funny Vi-"
"Of course it is! You're drooling more than a dog would at the sight of bacon."
Clem rolled her eyes and nudged her friend in the back before heading back to her door room for the evening. Her shared dorm was always neat and tidy, everything in its proper place. Clementine puts her drawstring backpack on one of the hooks behind the door before opening up her laptop.

"3 new messages from.....Louis?" She clicks on the notification tab.

(Louis: Hey Clem♡)
(Louis: I was wondering if you wanna go see a movie off campus?)
(Louis: And I'll pay for the snacks ofc :P)

Clem's face blushed a little as she reread those 3 texts over and over. Her fingers danced along the keyboard as a smile was painted across her face in neon lights.

(Clem: Yes I'd love too)
(Clem: How about tomorrow?)

(Louis: That's perfect)
(Louis: See you soon my darling Clementine 💚)

"Jesus christ, you're as giddy as a fuckin child on Christmas morning," Violet laughed as she entered the door room with tacos from the cafeteria. "Forgot the hot sauce, my bad. I was just so stoked about you and Lou-"

"How do you know?"

"Well duh! Who do you think pushed him to text ya? Louis has no balls so I lent him mine."

"Ewwww Vi," they both laughed as the sound of a crunchy taco was all that was audible besides gentle rock music. As they drifted into slumber, Clementine couldn't wait until tomorrow. She couldn't wait to see dred head Louis.

(The next evening)
"HEY CLEM! SAVE ME SOME FUCKIN HOT WATER," Violet bashed against the bathroom door as the steam from the hot water filled the room. I roll my eyes before turning off the water and putting on my black silk robe. As I stepped out of the bathroom, Violet's eyes met mine and she blushed a little.

"I hope there's some hot water left," she teased as she lightly punched me in the arm, before closing the door behind her. Moments later, Violet shrieks, sounding like nails on a chalkboard. She rushes out of the bathroom, dripping wet (water dumbass) and is covered in soap suds.

"Nnnnn....no....ffff....fuck....king...hotttt...www...waterrrrrr," she mumbles as she walks next door to Ruby's and Brody's room. I silently laugh at Violet's misfortune as I blowdry my hair and get dressed for my date. Nothing too casual but nothing too formal either. A white tank top with my black leather jacket over it accompanied by a pair of bootcut blue jeans and my "cowboy" boots as Vi refers to it. I grabbed my phone and called Louis.

"Hey Clem."
"Hey Lou Lou."
" *sigh* Really?"
"As real as Violet's attitude."
"Damn, shit. Is she around? I wanna say "hey." "
"Nah. She's next door, she froze her arse off."
"Ass, dumbass."
Louis laughs. "Well this dumbass wants to take you to the movies. Is that okay?"
I blush and smile. "I'll be in the lobby in 10."
"See you then my darling."
(Call ended)

Violet returned to the room, now wearing her oversized sweatshirt and boxer shorts. She stopped in her tracks as she looked at me. Her eyes sparkling like a million diamonds.
"You look hot- i mean sexy- I- um, beautiful- Clem," she choked as she tripped over her own feet and words. Looking at the gay dumbass on the floor, I smiled and helped her back onto her feet. I kissed her on her cheek before leaving out.

"If I'm not back by midnight-"

"I hope yall have condoms," Violet cut in and snickered. I rolled my eyes before closing the door.
I'm scared but that's okay. Violet told me fear is inevitable and I should embrace the new and unknown. I hope she's right.

Louis's POV
9:15. I hope she didn't ditch.
The sweet scent of citrus hits my nostrils and suffocated me with its intoxicating smell.
"Clementine," I sing soft heartedly as I turned to her. I felt my face grow hot as her apperance took the air out of my lungs. All I could say was "Wow."
I am such a dumbass.
Clementine smiled and giggled at my idiotness.
"Cmon, movie time babe."
Trying not to panic out loud, I intertwine my fingers into hers as we walked to my all-black Porsche.

"Rich boi Lou," Clem chanted as she sat inside the luxury car. I chanted along with her as I started up the engine. To my dislike, it. Fucking. Stalled.

"Fuck," I laid my head on the steering wheel. "Dead engine." I felt a small warm touch as I sat back into my seat. I looked at Clem, who was hilding my hand in hers. Summoning bravery from unknown forces above, I kissed her. I kissed Clementine. Her soft lips taste so sweet and juicy like the first bite of watermellon in the hot summer. It was an addictive taste but my lungs greatly desired air, so I pulled away. We both sat there, breathless. Breathless and blushing.

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