corruptous amongous (part two)

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[Continuation from part one]
[3 days later] [Narrator's POV]

"Everyone line up! The Delta will be arriving soon," Prof. Everett spoke to the class, with watered eyes. "It has been a pleasure teaching you all. I hope the Delta will shapen you up into great and talented magic users. This is my final goodbye." Prof. Everett vanished into a thick black cloud of smoke, disappearing into the mysterious cloud.

"Imma miss this old rust bucket," Violet sighed as she laid her head on Minerva's shoulder.

"Eh. It was alright," she smiled back. Violet kissed her and grabbed her hand. "Vi-"

"I love you. And I'm proud of it " Violet whispered into her ear. Minerva sighed but smiled.

Clementine and Sophie looked at one another fron across the room. Two hearts designated for each other but blocked by the hatred of others. Well more like the hatred of Minerva. Sophie whipped out her phone and texted Clementine as she put in her earbuds and listened to music.

SoFreeSophie: Hey
Clemonade: You okay?
SoFreeSophie: Eh, I really want you in my arms right now.
Clemonade: Me too but we gotta keep this a secret.
SoFreeSophie: I wanna come out but like....
Clemonade: I know, I know. Just do it when ur ready okay? :)
SoFreeSophie: How did I get so lucky?
Clemonade: I could say the same ♡

"The Delta are here," AJ screamed fron the window. Everyone siffened up at the sight of Lily and the others.

"Children," she introduced. "Welcome to the Delta. Kids 12 and under, follow Abel and Dorian. All older kids, hang back. We have something special for you. AJ waved goodbye to Clem as he, Tenn, and Willie walked out of the room. Lily closed the door behind them and peered out the window.

"It is standard protocol that all teens recruited by the Delta are tattooed." Sophie and Louis looked anxious and worried at the sound of this.

"Will it hurt?," Mitch raised his hand and asked. Lily shook her head.

"Painless and quick. I'll just be doing the Delta logo and your I.D. numbers. Umm, Clementine Marsh, you're first." Clem stood up and walked over to Lily, rolling up her hoodie sleeve. Lily took out an unusual looking wand and dripped it into her purple ink.

(Imagine it was something like this.)

Clem smiled at the sight of her first tattoo

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Clem smiled at the sight of her first tattoo.

"Painless?," Louis nervously asked.

"Painless," she replied with a big grin on her face. The rest of the kids got tatted up similary.

"Alright lets go," Lily motioned everyone through the door onto a giant flying bison.

"ITS SOO FLUFFY," Sophie cried as she laid on the great creature. Clementine smiled as she stared at the love of her life. Minerva "accidentally" bumps into Clementine as she climbs next to her sister along with Violet. Clementine laid alone on the creatures giant flattened tail as they all began to fly into the sky.

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