the best kind of love

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[Well this was finna be a Violentine turned to Clouis oneshot, butttttttt a lil birdy (yeah i cant sleep because of em, i live across from a forest and they chrip alot at 2 am for no reason, anyways) said "ya know what? Most people kill off Tenn in their playthroughs, myself included on the 2nd go around, and I loved Tenn. Sure he fucked up but I saw potential in him under AJ's guidance. Soooooo here's to a great friendship.]

"I love you, dummy," AJ laughed as he reached for the cyan coloured crayon.

"I love ya too, Afro Puff," Tenn fired back with a toothy grin on his face.

The boys laid in the grassy lawn of Texas Two, scribbling away at the white paper Tenn kept at his desk.

"Whatca drawing," AJ asked as he glanced over at Tennessee's hand quickly shading with a bright blue colour.

"It's kind of like a thank you card for Clem. Ya know, thanking her for not killing us all." AJ smiled brightly, his eyes gleaming with happiness rather than sorrow and uncertaintly. Texas Two was their home now. They were finally safe.

"That's really nice, Tenn."

"Thanks. What are you drawing?" Tennessee peered over at AJ's hand rushing to slather black over red.

"Also a thank you card for Clem. But ya know, with monsters and blood." Tenn shuddered at the sound of his delight of all things gorey.

"," his voice was unsteady and low.

"I made you this," AJ held out a piece of paper folded several times. Hesitant to grab it, Tennessee waited until AJ unfolded the paper.

"To the best ARTIST! in da wourld...luv AJ," Tennessee read aloud from AJ's drawing of the two of them drawing. A smile formed on his lips as he hugged the small kid.

"Love ya AJ," Tenn truthly spoked.

"Love ya back," AJ spoke with truth in his voice. "Cmon lets show Clem our cards!" The boys raced of into the dorms in search for the familiar brown haired girl.

"Hey Clem," AJ giddly spoke as he opened the door to their shared room.

"Hey kiddo, what's up?" Clem sat on her bed, sharpenng her knife as she usually does in her spare time.

"Me and Tenn made you these." Simetaniously, the boys held out their colorful artworks and Clem's face lit up with joy and love.

"I love you two," Clementine spoke heartfeltly as the boys hugged her.

"We love you two."

"Cmon lets go play cards with Louis."

A/N: yeah ik it was short but it was cute cmon. Anyways, getting a happy ending out of me is like asking a parrot to shut up, 9 times outta 10, thats not finna happen. Any who, ummmmmmmmmmmmmm shit, fuck me, these damn birds man. Is it illegal to shoot birds at 2:30 am? Cuz thats looking like the move rn....


●~TWDG Oneshotz~●जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें