monster, how should I feel?

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[Modern AU; our beloved blonde lesbian is living in a solitary confindemnet mental institution/prison for her crimes.][Warning: Does mention suicide and self harm and talks about self harm wounds.]

Padded walls and padded floors
Bars on the windows so I can't escape
Locked security doors made of metal
That man deserved to die
His family too
But why am I here of all places
I committed a victimless crime
I murdered him and his evil kids
The wife died of overdose long ago
Guilty I am ruled
Innoccent I was certain
But prison or not
My demons still keep me company
Expecially in my darkest hours

"Violet," the soft voice spoke. "Come into the darkness once more. I will treat you like a gift from heaven above." I looked down at the pen and paper in my hand.


"Don't speak, my child. Just let me in." I released a sigh of exhaustion, enough for the being to get inside my body, inside my mind.

"You're in good hands, my sweet. Just go to sleep." The melechony voice was so sweet and gentle I found myself slipping into slumber's dark grasp.


[2nd warning, it's triggering.]

[Last warning.]

I awoken from my slumbers to the cries of burning cuts on my arms. Fresh cuts. I sighed and walked over to the sink.

"You did it again, didn't you?" I spoke aloud. A dark black smoke escaped my lips.

"My dear-"

"I thought we've talked about this! You can use my body but not for this! Why, just...." my voice carried out without a tune.
"I am your demon. Your inner thoughts. You manifested this!"
I looked at my bloodied arms and began counting the cuts.
"28," I finally said out loud. "16 on the left, 12 on the right."
The black cloud of smoke came closer to me.
"We had a deal," the smoke grew thicker and wide spread. "You would kill yourself and we can haunt the lives of those that done you wrong."

I turned away and laid on my bed.
"No use. I'm on death row."
Silence fell upon the room, the kind of numbing silence that drives one mad.

"Take physical form and I'll talk. If not, then fuck off."

The black smoke transformed itself into a look a-like of me.


"There's no use. I'm going to be here forever and die." I pulled the blanket over my head.


Angry that was built up inside of me unleashed like a volcano.

"FUCK OFF!" I clawed at the demon. Smoke filled the room, trapping me in a void of darkness.

"You show no sign of a fighter, of the ruthless person you once were." I heard the voice but I couldn't see anything.

"Deal's off. I'm taking what's rightfully mine." Metal chains lunged from the black abyss and latched onto my wrists and ankles, dragging me into the darkest part of the room. I didn't fight it, I was tired. Very tired.

               *       *      *      *      *

"Violet Adlon," the guard spoke. Violet just sat on the floor facing the wall.

"What do you want?"

"It's time."

"I guess this is it, huh." She stood up and brushed off herself. She smiled brightly. Walking through corridoors to her final stop, her eyes grew dark. Violet wasn't in control. She gave up the fight. Her demon, on the other hand, loved the feeling- the feeling of making her surrender and her torment. Walking to the empty room and witnessing 5 armed soliders on the other side of the room gave the demon much satisfaction.

"Death by firing squad. Well done. Bravo," she clapped and smiled maniacally. The guard shook his head and closed the door, signaling it was time to the armed soliders.

"Hey! Make sure you aim for the head!" was the last words she uttered before the sound of 5 rifles fired off, one after another.

              *        *        *         *        *

Police Report #8615
Time: 15:32
Prisoner's Name: Violet Adlon
Age: 17
Sentencing: Death Penalty
Crime(s): Pre-meditated murder of 5 people(s), Drug Possession [Cocaine and/or Heroine]
Time of Death: 15:35
Death by: Firing Squad [5 guns]
Guard on Duty: Officer Lee Everett
Comment(s): Displayed irratic behavior(s), Self Harm Scars (fresh), Mentally Disturbed. Dispose of Body to Medical Institution #45 within 12 hours.
[End of Report]

A/N: im sick and off work for a few days so ig that gives me a reason tk write alot more than usual but ya know WRITERS BLOCK AGGGHHHH!

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