recruitment day

314 5 2

[A continuation to "prisoner clem" as requested by Yuri-Queen]

"See you soon."

The polariod photograph shrives and crinkles as the flames engulf the image and turns to ashes on the ground below. Minerva sadistically smiles at the sight and climbs into bed besides Clementine, who was already fast asleep.

"Goodnight my love," she kisses Clem on her cheek and looks up at the crackled ceiling above, counting the individual lines before falling asleep.
            *           *           *           *

Minerva's POV

"Minerva.......Minnie," a voice cried out. Surrounded in darkness, I was alone. I grabbed my axe and run over to the voice calling me as it grew louder and louder. I find myself outside of Erickson at the gate, the school ablaze in a roaring rampant fire, flames burning crimson like blood.

"Minerva," her voice spoke out once more. I turned to find Sophie laying on the ground, bleeding furiously. Kneeling besides her, I examine the damage. "We have to go." She grunted in pain as she attempted to stand up, only to fall flat on her back.

"Who did this, who did this to you," I cried out. Her eyes went black.

"You did." I step back, startled by her words.

"Sophie, I-"

"Save it, Minerva. You killed me. We could've been safe together, back at the school."

"But Marlon-"

"Fuck Marlon. He was a coward and sold us, Minnie! He let us get taken to save his ass!"

"The Delta, that's are home now."

"No, Erickson was. And we could've escaped. Together. But you ruined it. You had a choice and you killed me at the river."

"Sophie, it was either me or you! I made a choice! I wanted to live!" Tears fell from my cheeks and landed on her blood stained boots.

"You could've just shot me in the head. But you slit my throat and let me suffer. I was your sister, your family. And you let me die in the cruelest way." She looked at the burning school and then back at me.
"Violet and Tenn, they would be disgusted at the sight of you."

"Violet is weak and Tenn....Tenn loves me. He won't abbandon the Delta like you did, he will fight for his home, his sister."

"If you have a brain, you'll think twice about this. You couldn't save him once, you couldn't save Violet, you didn't save me." She grabbed a gun besides me and aimed it at my head. "I won't let you ruin him too!" She fired off the gun.

I awaken in cold sweats. Clementine's arms wrapped around my torso, warmly embracing me. I lie back onto the bed and look at her peacefully sleeping.

"How did I get so lucky," I whispered as my fingers traced her cheek. I peered out of the window, it was still pretty dark outside. Lily said we will head for the school at dawn, fully armed. I thought about the Erickson kids. Louis, Aasim, Violet, Ruby, Willy, Tenn.....

"Lee......," Clementine groaned in her sleep. She's having that nightmare again. I lightly place my hand over her heart, to which she grabs and holds. My little Clementine. I lie back besides her and fall into a light slumber once more.
                  *         *         *         *

The roosters cawing at the crack of dawn never ceases to annoy me. I stumble out of bed and head to the mess hall for breakfast; one hard boiled egg, an orange, and water. Quickly scarfing down the food, I head towards the river for a quick cleanse before anyone notices I'm gone.

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