you lied! LIAR, LIAR, LIAR, LIAR!

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[Any TOH fans here? :) anyways, uh, Boiling Isles AU i suppose i'll call it for now. For anyone who hasn't seen TOH or isnt caught up, relax, this won't be too much for a spoiler.]
[B.I. AU <huh, funny how that acronym worked-> Clementine, a human seemingly trapped in a hellish dimention full of wizards, witches and all sorts of creatures from mythological and arcanic backgrounds, finds a rather large glass bulb with the moon engraved onto it. She can feel a strange energy from within, almost as if its talking to her....]

Holding the deep blue bulb carefully in my bandaged hands, I stared deeply into the dark swirls that seemed to move from within the glass. Almost looked as if there was an entire galaxy trapped in my fingers.

"So beautiful," I stared in awe. The glass began to glow neon blue and felt warm. "What....are you?" To the ordinary human or witchfolk, this would've made them uneasy and nervous. Not me, Clem the human. The glass began to vibrate until a crack echoed in the silence. Immediately dropping the bulb, it shattered as the colours of a universe bled into the floorboards before I could even move. Frantically trying to grasp any sort of the liquid from slipping through the cracks, I heard laughter. A woman's laugh.

"Hahaha, what a fool." Their voice echoed around me as I cautiously stood to my feet.


"If you're not gonna finish any of those sentences," the mysterious liquid rose up from the ground and swirled around infront of me until she stood infront of me. Violet, the moon child. She had hair as blonde amd bright as the sun, star-freckled cheeks and eyes as dark as ink with moon white irises staring me down.

Violet's POV

I stretched my arms and back until a satisfying crack came from each limb.

"It's been sooooo LOOOOONG since I was freed!" I yawned as I took a look at my surroundings. "It's no fun being trapped in a prison." I glanced over at the human infront of me once over. "A human? In the demon realm? What sins have you commited to be brought here alive?"

"I fell through a portal into here. Been stuck here for....many, many years...." she looked saddened by those words.

"Hm. Intresting. Do you wish to go back? To the human realm?" She nodded. "I see. Well, hows about we make a deal?" She looked very cautiously at me as I walked around her, dragging my heel into the floorboards, carving out a circle.

"What kind of deal?"

"I take you back to the human realm. In exchange, you kill the king of the isles." Her face grew pale as her jaw dropped, no words escaping her lips. "I see it's quite the ask, yes-"

"You want me to kill the king of this hellish place?!" I unfolded a small waterstained photo from my pocket and handed it to the human.

"Does he look familiar?" I asked. She looked at the photo for a mere moment before dropping to her knees. "Been quite a few milleniums since we've last met up but I remember his name was-"

"Louis." I snapped my fingers.

"Yes, King Louis. That fucking bastard locked me in the glass for hundreds of lifetimes. I've grown mad, human. I want revenge. I want him dead. Do this for me and freedom to your realm will be achieved." The human sighed in defeat as she rose from her knees. "Something tells me you do not want him dead. Am I to find this true?"

"Louis is my friend-"

"What a friend he is," I rolled my eyes. "He'll betray you one way or another!"

"He....he's the last titan in the Boiling Isles!" She blurted out, looking almost guilty for telling me. My eyes widen in intriguement.

"Last living titan is Louis, hm? Well that dampers my plans..." I walked towards the broken glass prison I was trapped in and stared at my own cracked reflection. "What is the human realm like?" There was a pause of silence until she spoke again.

"It was home. Comforting, warm, I didn't have to scavenge for food or worry about a cerebrus-hawk attacking me when I leave my hut. There's no magic there." My ears focussed on that last sentence. There's no magic.

"Why would you wanna go back?" I asked.

"My family's there. My little brother, my mom and dad, my friends...." she went quiet.

"You must really mis home huh?" The human nodded. "Well, without a titan's blood, my powers won't work. But since you seem really kind, I'll make a deal. Get me a vial of titan's blood instead. Is that easier to accomplish?"

"Yes," her face lit up like a candle in a dark room. "I promise I won't fail you." As the human took off, I stared at the broken glass prison.

"Oh, I know you won't fail me," I smiled as I picked up a shard of glass with human blood on it. "You'd regret betraying a god."

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Sep 19, 2022 ⏰

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