dead and gone

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"What was your life like before you came here?" That question plagued me, from every group I've ever been with, seems as if I only bring death and misery along to them.

Lee was my protector when it all started. I was only 8. Never thought I'd have to witness death that young. But what can you do. He was bitten when he found my hat, that fucking hat. If I never had it in the first place, maybe he'd still be here. He told me to shoot him and I obeyed. That was the first time I killed.

Omid and Christia took care of me after that....till someone shot Omid. Christia cried and shot the girl who tried to rob me. I was a bit older now. We lived, survived, we were ambushed and seperated. I fell into the roaring river, I lost all my supplies and backpack. Scavenging around, I found an abbandoned campsite. The taste of canned beans on my empty stomach tasted of heaven and gold. A dog named Sam came by me and took advantage of my kind offer of sharing the food. He bit me and I killed him. Found a group of survivors that feared I was bitten and locked me in a shed to die. Don't underestimate a kid. I snuck out and grabbed supplies to mend my wound. It was painful but I am a survivor. A walker attacked me from a gap in the shed and as I killed it, the group unlocked the shed's door to witness I was not dead.

"I'm. Still. Not. Bitten. I never was and you left me here to die!"

I've proved I was stronger than my looks and a man named Luke, who I supposed was leader of the group, welcomed me inside the house and gave me the first warm meal I've had in a long time. As much as I tried not to get close to these people, I did. And then they all died. Some more gruesome than others but the heartache is all the same. Luke drowned in the hands of a walker. Kenny killed Jane. Rebecca died shortly after AJ was born. Kenny died in our car crash, he sacrificed himself so me and AJ could escape. Kenny, Jane, Luke, Sarah, Alvin, Rebecca, Mike....the list goes on and on.

Just when I gave up hope, a group of people in Richmond offered me and AJ help. They called themselves "The New Frontier." It was a good thing, while it lasted. Fresh food, clean water, hot showers- actually showers in general, doctors, it was beautiful. Then one day, AJ fell sick. The drugged up doc said there was nothing that could've been done to save him, but I wasn't gonna let this go. I stole meds and gave them to AJ, but I was caught. As punishment, he was taken from me and I was kicked out. Ava was nice enough to give me some supplies and check up on me one last time. Some time has passed, a few months now. Just minding my business in the woods alongside a road, I heard commotion, gunshots. I hid behind a tree and saw a man in a baseball jersey being handcuffed and dragged into a truck. Ran about a quarter mile ahead to a rotton tree. The trunk was already half eaten by termites so with all of my might, I slammed into the tree, causing it to crash onto the road, thus crashing the vehicle. They both survived, not sure if I'm too happy about that. But the baseball tee wearing guy shot the driver dead in his tracks so he must be some sort of fighter for surviving this long. I pulled out my shotgun and ordered him to drop the gun. I found a candy bar in his pocket but he guilted me into giving it back. It was for his niece or whatever. We made a deal: I'd bring him to his family and he gives me his RV and we part ways. Of fucking course things don't ever go my way. Soon after we arrived, New Frontier dickheads shoot his niece dead in the head and attacked us. Me and Javi, that was his name, we escaped. Headed to Prescott when the walkers surrounded us. My gun didn't fire, fucking asshole sold me blank bullets but I "accidentally" shot him in the head. Techincally it was an accident but it was just karma justifying his actions. Tripp locked us up but Ellinor offered to sneak us out at midnight. Despite her kind offer, I trusted Tripp more. We went with Tripp back to the junkyard to get Kate and Gabe....he was kinda cute I'll admit. There was alotta drama, alotta feelings, but in the end, David paid for his actions. He was bitten in the car crash with Gabe, who only escaped with minor cuts and bruisings. I hope somewhere, Kate, Gabe, and Javi are alright. I hope Ava and Tripp are in a better place after their sacrifices. Hurts seeing old friends die, but what can you do.

After weeks of searching, just as I was giving up hope on ever finding AJ, I stumbled upon the McCarrol Ranch, burning. I had one goal, find AJ at al costs, no matter who got in my way. It was savage, yes. But I've spent my life protecting him. He remembered me and I began teaching him about the world and what's within it.

And after all of the teaching, all of the rules, all of the talks, he still disobeyed me. But if he did follow my orders, I would've been dead. He saved my life. We finally have a home with kids just like us, young survivors. They all had their baggage but we accept them. Violet often helps me with everyday tasks and preperations for attacks and scouts. Louis is found securing the permeter or out hunting with AJ and Aasim. Ruby tends to our wounds and Willy is helping AJ make a "pirate leg" for me so I can leave from behind Texas Two's walls. Omar's cooking is getting better and I'm still alive. I hope Tenn is somewhere better with his family, his sisters, drawing an amazing picture. Rosie often accompanies me as I "walk" around the courtyard, I'm glad I finally have a home. After all these years, after all the pain, after all the deaths, we are finally safe, I finally have a lover, I finally feel at peace.

"What was your life like before?"

"Definetly alot shittier. But I'm glad I'm home."

A/N: two updates in one day. Now it's time to go AFK, byeeeeeee.

●~TWDG Oneshotz~●Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon