dead kid walking

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[End of Episode 1 with a morbid ending]

I held the gun in my hands. The cold metallic of the gun and the fresh blood on my cheek gave everyone else quite the scare. But I was happy. Killing was fun.

You told me I shouldn't feel sorry for killing, that it was the right thing to do. Everyone else, they didn't see it in our logic to kill him. They wanted us gone. And we left.

A home is a home is a home. Should we ever find one again. I don't think we will to be honest. My feet began to crack and bleed but I kept my mouth shut. I'll suffer in silence, it'll only make me stronger.

Hours passed and night fell. We make a little shelther in the woods for the night, Clem was on first watch. I begged and pleaded with her to let me take first watch but she remained firm and strict. I laid down as the sun began to set behind the trees and darkness filled the world.

"AJ, wake up," Clem whispered. I'd must have been pretty deep into my slumber, only to be awaken when she forcefully grabbed me and ran.

"What's going on?!"

"Walkers," she glanced back at the enormous herd of undead monsters, quickly approaching us.

"Where's my gun? I'll kill em-"

"They're gone! Everything we had is gone! Someone must have taken them when I was asleep."


She finally halted behind a tree, allowing me to scramble to my feet.
"I'm sorry I failed you, AJ. We're gonna die."

"Clem..." Before I could say a word, a monster grabbed me and sank its decaying teeth into my arm.

"AJ!" She pulled out a gun and shot the walker. I laid on the ground, staring at the darkness within the trees. Everything, everything we've worked so hard for, it was all for nothing now.

"You had a gun," I finally spoke. "You had a fucking gun this entire time, I got bit Clementine, I WILL DIE!!!"

She was unusually quiet after one of my outbursts. Surely, she'd correct me, curse at me, but no.

"Clem?" She lifted her head towards me. Her once honey coloured eyes fell cloudy and empty. She was one of them.

No response. Just the low groan of her dead corpse turning on her.

I stood there besides her. I was already bitten, not like I'd survive anyways. Taking her hand into mine, we sat there. I couldn't really tell how much time had past before my body felt heavy. Before my body began to grow tired. Before voices echoed and familiar figures could no longer be distinguished. A warmth overcame me and I closed my eyes, hoping to go somewhere far, far away from this hell on Earth.

"Willy said he spotted walkers around here," Louis spoke as he gripped "Chairles".

"Willy said the same thing before and it turned out to just be Marlon and Aasim setting up traps," Violet sighed as she grabbed her cleaver from her back pocket.

"Whether or not he did see em, it doesn't hurt to check anyways."

"Fine, whatever." The duo left the comforts of Erickson, armed and silent. The subtle groans of the undead spooked Louis who climbed up a tree.
"Next time, I'm bringing Rosie. A dog is a better partner than your chicken ass." Violet gripped her cleaver as she turned around to face the undeadly groans. The metallic clank of her clever onto the ground drove the once afraid Louis into much concern.


"That's..." she couldn't finish her sentence as tears trickled down her face and splashed into the dirt.

"Clem. Aj," Louis' voice cracked as he saw the pair slowly stumble towards them, covered in muck and blood, no longer human. With much hesistation, ultimately, Louis grabbed AJ's pistol and shot them both dead.
"I'm.....I'm sorry," he mustered up the nerve to speak as he dropped to the ground, clutching Clementine's lifeless corspe as Violet held AJ's.

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