the kids of the damned

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[Evil AU where Clem, AJ, Vi, Louis, and the rest of the Erickson kids are a deadly army, stealing and raiding other groups.]

"Wake up fucker," Violet screamed to the prisoner. He shook in his cell as Violet unlocked the door and entered, followed by Clementine. The bloodied prisoner's blue eyes stared as Violet's hand loading the revolver. The silver bullets perfectly slid into its own chambers until 6 bullets were housed inside the gun. She aimed the gun at the prisoner, who began to shuffle backwards until his back hit the wooden wall. His wrists binded together by metal shackles behind his back and his ankles tied down with rope. Violet's green eyes pierced at the prisoner like a dagger through a bubble.

"Let me go and I'll talk," his voice cracked with fear. Violet nodded at Clementine, who punched the man in the face.

"Lets try this again," Violet chuckled. "What were you doing around here? Who are you with?" The prisoner lowered his head, staying silent and motionless. "Don't make her do it again." The prisoner just sat there and Violet allowed Clem to punch him once again, this time breaking his nose. "Last chance buddy. You better talk."

"F....fuck you...," he spit blood at Violet. Fury filled her eyes as the gun sounded off 3 times. She turned away from the dead man. "Hang him outside," Violet tossed Clementine a noose. "Then come find me." She left the prison cell with fresh blood on her jacket and a smile on her face.

                   *     *     *     *      *

Violet sat back in the tall leathery chair. Removing her eyepatch on her left eye, she still felt the burning pain from the Delta boat explosion. She remembers every detail of the night. Every word Clementine told her before she ran off to save the ship and Minnie. She remembered the exact moment it exploded and everything that went through her head. She remembers seeing a bright white light, thinking she was in heaven, followed by an intense burning pain, thinking she was in Hell. She closed her eyes, the memories of it were all too intense. Violet sat up and looked at herself in a broken shard of glass laying on the large wooden desk. Burn scars that match Tenn's over her left eye and a bit of her cheek. Her vision was fully restored in her right eye. Her left was still healing, barely able to make out figures and shapes. She sighed as Rosie jumped into her lap.

"Good girl Rosie," she kissed the dog's head and petted her. A creak at the door caused Rosie to growl but Violet calmed her down as it was only AJ.

"Madame Violet," he stood tall as if he was a military soldier.
"Ease up kid. Only the prisoners gotta be formal. So what's up?"
AJ eased up slighty as he walked over to pet Rosie.
"Wille spotted some potential enemies- 3 of them to be exact. Armed and they have supplies. Probably survivors from Delta."
Violet put on her eyepatch and grabbed her gun.
"Go get Clem and the others," ordered Violet. AJ saluted her and ran off with Rosie. Violet walked to the balcony, looking down at Erickson- now called Camp Violet- she smiles as a thunderstorm rolled in from the distance.
"Time to go prisoner hunting."

                      *     *     *     *
"Hurry up with that food Omar," hollered Louis as he shuffled cards.
"If you wanna cook, go ahead. If not, shut up. Dinner will be done soon," Omar whipped back. Louis silently mumbled as he passed out cards. Violet got an Ace and Aasim received a 2. A smirk appeared across her face.

"Aasim, good ol' buddy-"
"Just spill it."
"Fine. Beat me in arm wrestling and you can dare me whatever. If I win, you gotta kiss Louis." The group "ooooh"-ed but Aasim wasn't scared of Violet.
"Deal." He gripped Violet's hand.
"3, 2, 1....GO!"
In mere seconds, Violet pinned his arm down and became victorious. The group cheered as Louis and Aasim blushed and kissed. Aasim checked his surroundings, looking for Ruby.
"What happens tonight-"
"Sweet lips," Louis smirks as he shuffles the cards again. Aasim sits down and blushes.
"Round 2 coming at ya," Louis grinned as he dealt out cards once more. Clem was unlucky and received a 3 and Tenn receiving an Ace.
"Hmmm truth. Would you ever date Louis?"
Clem looked at Louis and laughed.
"Considering he's on a date with Aasim, I think I'll stick with Violet." Violet blushed and looked away as she came to sit next to her.
"One more round before supper," AJ whinned. Louis shuffled one last time and dealt.
"Hey I finally win one," AJ smiled. Brody was the unlucky kid with just a 2.
"Hmmm. Truth: Where we you and Marlon earlier? I heard alot of weird noises-"

"DINNER'S READY," screamed Omar and Brody and Marlon were the first in line. Rabbit and raccoon stewnwas tonight's meal. The group ate as if it was their first meal in weeks. As Violet finished up, she took another bowl and headed to the cellar with Clementine. Surrounded by darkness, Clem lit her to torch to reveal a starving prisoner chained to the furnace. Violet got within mere feet of the child. Her scarred face. Her cut neck, still dripping bright red. Her dirty, mangled hair. Her torn clothes. Her bare feet covered in ash and burns. Still, her bright blue eyes thrived full of life within them. Violet slid her the bowl of soup, the child gulped it down immediately.

"Thank you," she weakly sighed as her body trembled. Violet looked at Clem with a raging desire in her eyes. Violet reached into her jacket pocket, revealing a golden key. The child's eyes lit up.

"You can be free, just got to do one thing for me."

"I'll do anything please!" Clementine grabs a syringe from her pocket and hands it to Violet.

"Stay still, this won't take long," Violet whispers as she inspects the bright red substance. She injects the child with it.

"I held up my end, free me."
Violet laughed.

"Kid, you'll be dead in 10 minutes. We shot you with walker blood. You'll be my new walker interigator method." Violet and Clementine left the cellar as the child's life slipped from her body and walker noises became audible.

                      *     *     *     *

AJ and Violet jump out from the trees above and disarmed the 3 surviviors roaming in their territory.
"Come with us willingly or die trying," AJ growled as he held a gun to the blonde man's head. The trio surrendured and was taken inside of Erickson. All the kids gathered around in the courtyard, weapons in hand. The blonde man was tied to the flag pole and the red head twins were taken to the cells inside.

"Who are you? What do you want?" Willy punched him in the groan.
"You speak too much," he snickers as he grabs his knife. "Time for you to shut up."

"Willy! Wait," screamed Clementine. "Interogate first, then harm." He nodded and punched the man in his face. "The hell were you doing here?"

"I...I was looking for a," he groaned.

"Do you have a group?"


A gun fired off, a single bullet hole in the man's skull. Clementine held the gun and put it back into her holster.

"Delta...fucking Delta," Violet clapped. "Willy, go burn the body. AJ, Lou and Clem, follow me. Everyone else, get ready. We attack Delta when I return." Everyone scattered as Violet lead them to the prison cells. 2 twin redheads were chained to the walls.

"Who are you and why are you here," Louis grumbled. The twins looked at each other and stayed silent. "Hard to get huh? Clem, kill one of them." Clementine raised her gun.

"Eenie, meenie, minie-"

"Minvera and Sophia," they blurted out simenateously.
"We were abbandoned by Delta. Left to fend for our own. We just stumbled upon your place when you, ya know."

AJ walked closer to the 2 girls.
"Who's who?"

"I'm Sophia, the blue eyed one. Minerva has green eyes."

"And you two are kids?"

"17 years old, kid," Minerva mumbled.

Violet studied the twins before turning away.

"They could be useful. Keep them alive. They're our new soldiers."

AJ, Clem, and Louis nodded as they closed the prison doors, leaving the twins hanging on the cold stone walls in the midnight moonshine.

Violet raised her cleaver into the sky.
"See you on the other side," she yelled as she and the group raided Delta's camp base. Not one Delta soldier survived, not one Erickson kid was killed. "Eric- Camp Violet will rule forever!" The group cheered as they danced over the enemies' corspes and burned the camp to ashes.

"Clem, in the morning, you're on duty to train those girls," Violet yawned as she laid in their bed.
"I'll make a solider out of them," Clementine smiled as they dozed off into slumber. Violet kissed Clementine's cheek and fell into the best slumber she's had in a long time.

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