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"BOOOOOOOOOO," Louis screamed as he threw popcorn at the movie theater screen.

"WHAT A SHIT MOVIE," Violet yelled as she downed the rest of her Dr. Pepper.

"SO FUCKING PREDICTIBLE," Clementine screamed as she tugged on Minerva's arm.






"Awe hell naw. I dealt with crazy before and I don't want to again."

Minerva sighed and picked up Clementine, carrying her bridal style out of the theaters.

"Lame ass movie," Violet scoffed. "It's Friday the 13th, I want BLOOD, GUTS, GORE-"

"I thought girls get that every month," Louis interrupted. All three girls stared him down as he entered the driver's seat.
"Okay, bad joke. But c'mon. The Purging starts soon." All three girls' expressions immediately changed into joyous smiles.

"I call "Chairles"," Clementine scrambled from Minerva's grip into the car.

"I want my bow and cleaver," Violet hopped into the backseat.

"Crossbow I guess," Minerva shrugs and hops into the bed of Louis's truck.

"OFF TO SEE THE PURGING, THE WONDERFUL PURGING OF SAVANNAH," the 4 teenagers sang as dusk rapidly approached, thus starting the sacred 12 hours of death, destruction, and lawlessness.

Clementine gripped "Chairles" with both of her hands, ready to strike out anyone's skull from their heads.

Minerva was close by Clem wielding a crossbow.

Violet had her bow around her shoulder and meat cleaver in hand.

And Louis had a flamethrower, much to Vi's dismay.

"Of all weapons, why that one," the blonde scowled.

"Seems practical." Louis bubbily replied.

"Practical would be a fucking tank," Minerva chimmed in. She paused in her tracks as she witnessed a girl around their age stalking them from the roof of a semi-burning house.
"Roof. 12 o'clock," Minerva aimed her crossbow at the roof and with a single shot, the girl plopped to the ground motionless.
"First kill, you better get to going or else I'mma win this year," the redhead smirked as she searched the body finding a pistol with 4 bullets in it. Louis, frustrated with being the only person to never kill, marches to the street loaded with seemingly vacant vehicles.

"I'M GOING TO WIN THIS YEAR," he blasted the flamethrower at the red lambo, igniting it into flames and setting off a chain reaction down the street. 4 people hiding in the cars jumped out screaming as the burns and flames overwhelmed them and took their lives.
"4 to 1, not bad," Louis smiled as he searched the bodies.
"Nothing useful, fuck."

"They can't all be winners," Clementine smashed the window of a baby blue painted house and shot the family of 3 baracaded inside dead with her pistol. She grabs the wallets of the father and mother as well as precious jewerly and electronics, stuffing them all in the son's empty army duffle bag.

"ANY SUCCESS YET VI," Clementine yelled as she sat steps of the house she just looted. Violer rolled her eyes as she crept up a tree, spying of a bald man smoking a cigar.

"Bingo," she whispered as she pulled out her bow and shot an arrow through his eye and then another through his neck. She jumped down from the tree and scavenged his body.
"300 bucks and like 4 grams of weed. I think I've done the best so far." Violet sniffed into the bag of mary jane.
"It's some real good kush bro."

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