and then there were none

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[AU where Clem, Vi, Louis and AJ are the only surviors of Erickson] [Clem confesses feelings for Violet but things get heated with Louis, causing alot more problems than just heartache]

Clementine's POV

It's been 3 weeks since the Delta attack. Me, Vi, Louis, and AJ were the only survivors. They raided our home and burned it to the ground. They killed our friends and left them to turn. Nowhere to go, we just wander around, waiting for something. Death? A new home? Whatever it was, we were waiting for it.

I look over at Violet, holding my hand tight in her grasps, afraid to lose someone else she cares about. Looking to the right, Louis held my other hand as he cared AJ on his shoulders. I sigh deeply, fearing what is yet to come. What may happen next.

* * * * * *
Hours passed. The autumn leaves fell from dying trees, as if they've had no reason to hold on anymore. Falling slowly to the ground, being crushed underneath our boots. The auburn sky over head signaled it was getting dark soon. Completely lost and without a clue where we were heading, we decided it was best to camp for the night and seek shelther at dawn. Violet tended to AJ as me and Louis search for dinner.

"What if the Delta finds us?," Louis whispers to me as I stalk an injured rabbit.

"They won't." I'd be lying if I didn't say that the idea of being captured and/or killed by the Delta didn't shake fear into my soul. But I couldn't let the others know that. Expecially Louis.

"But what if-" Before he could put more worriness into my head, I leaped at the rabbit and stabbed it in the head, putting it out of its misery. I held it up by its ears.

"Dinner is served."

Alongside a ration of canned beans and water, the rabbit dinner was a success. Full bellies and loving hearts all settled around the campfire for a game of cards before hitting the hay. The moon overhead shinned like a billion diamonds in the sky, a breath taking view. I was still awake along with Violet. Violet blushed as our eyes met and I felt my cheeks become hot as well. I motioned her to follow me as we tip toed away from the boys.

"The moon looks beautiful tonight," Vi sighs happily.
"It sure does."
Violet took her hand into mine. I looked at her, her cheeks becoming bright red as well as mine. Her green eyes sparkled and I got lost in them as I leaned in and kissed her. The moment seemed to have lasted an eternity and I didn't want it to end. We pulled away and caught our breathes.
"This is..wrong, Clem." Violet confessed as she pulled away. She looked me in the eyes. "You and Louis....I- Clem." She sighs and plops onto the ground. I sit down next to her.
"Me and Lou are just friends Vi. I really like you and..." my voice trailed off as Violet leaned in and kisses me again.
"I think we should keep this a secret. Ya know for Louis's sake." We both laugh and agreed.

* * * *
The next morning, I wake up to the sound of Louis serenading me.

"Oh my darling Clementine, you were lost and gone forEVER, dreadful sorry, Clementine."

"Morning Lou. What's for breakfast?"

"Duck and beaver," AJ interrupted as he showed off his kills. I smiled and hug AJ as we began making a fire. Louis and I sit next to each other, cuddling and acting romantic. He kisses my cut on my palm and in his chocolate eyes, I could get lost.

Violet's POV

For fuck's sake she has to act all mushy and gooey in front of me! As if last night meant nothing to her. Maybe it was a mistake...I was dumb to believe Clem-

"Helloooo. Earth to Violet," Clem's sweet voice taken me out of my daze.
"Yo um. What?"
Everyone laughs.
"I was asking you which direction we should head, Captain Violet." I roll my eyes.
"Okay, um. Right." As we finished up breakfast, we headed right, through an open forest clearing.
"Do you think we will find survivors, Vi?" asked AJ. His sparkling, hopefulled eyes. I couldn't lie to him but I couldn't be blunt and honest either.
"I hope so," I truthfully replied. "Maybe somewhere there's a huge group of survivors and they have the cure against these..."
"Monsters," AJ finished my sentence. I nodded in agreement.
As the chilling breeze of Autumn blew through my short hair, I never realized how warm Clem's touch was until I didn't have it anymore. In my numb state, I felt a small hand grasp mine.
My adorable little AJ.
I carried him on my back, feeling a sense of deja vu. Looking at Clem and Louis together made my soul burn and heart ache.
Watch out Louis. I'm taking Clem once and for all.

* * * *

Louis's POV

Can't help but feel like this isn't right. Me and Clem, TOGETHER! She's amazing and beautiful, but, something in my gut tells me her and Vi are more than just friends....
The groan of a walker took me out of my thoughts as I smashed its head into the ground.
"MORE MONSTERS," screamed AJ.

Narrator's POV
Hundreds maybe even thousands of walkers crept in from the surrounding forests. There was no where to hide, nowhere to run. This was it. As the group slowly back into their demise, the truth spilled out.
"I love Clem," both Violet and Louis blurt out simsaonaniously. Clem sanked onto the dewey grass, wishing her death would come sooner.
"Sooooo," Louis droned on.
"You were having the best of both worlds," Violet hissed. "Should've known to never trust a bisexual girl." Clementine snapped her head around.

"I fuckin loved you Violet. I put my heart and soul into-"

"Louis," Violet cuts in. "You and Louis had something we didn't. Yeah sparks and shit but...ya know what. Forget it. Goodbye Clementine." Violet ran and jumped into the sea of walkers to be consumed and ripped to shreds. Louis runs after his best friend, only to be surrounded and face a similar demise. AJ and Clem left alone in a sea of walkers. AJ checked the gun.

"One bullet left," his eyes began to water as he place the gun in Clem's hands. "There's no point in trying. Just know I love you Clem." Before she could open her mouth, AJ ran into the sea of walkers, never to be seened again. Sitting under an oak tree, all alone, surrounded by walkers, Clementine looked to the sky as she raised the gun.
The gun sounded off.

* * * *

A pair of brown eyes open abruptly, heart racing, breathing quickly.

"Had a nightmare Clem?," AJ asks as he walks over to comfort her.

"Yeah. But I'm fine." She kissed AJ's forehead.

Louis and Vi walk into the room with cards and coffee as they play Goldfish into the early morning hours of dawn. The school was quiet, everyone else still asleep.
It was only a bad dream thought Clem as she shuffled the deck of cards.

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