47-Halloween 1-Trick or treat

Start from the beginning

" Alright... What about that girl?" Izuku pointed at a girl with some other girls with her.

"Hm... I think midnight.It's pretty... Inappropriate so it's a giveaway" Ochako didn't want Izuku to see a girl like that out of jealousy.

" Correct. Now then-

Izuku and Ochako kept playing their game as well as trick-or-treating.

The game made it go by much faster and they were really enjoying their final night of Halloween together.

"Alright we only have one more street left and we are tied" Izuku was surprised that Ochako knew most of the hero costumes.

Then again she had been with him most of his life so she probably learned a thing or two.

"Then how about next one to get it wrong loses?" Ochako suggested.

"Alright deal. It's my turn to guess" Izuku really wanted to win that snicker.

"Let's see here... Whose that kid wearing?" Ochako knew he wouldn't guess because this kid wasn't wearing a hero outfit.

".... I don't know" Izuku said in defeat.

"It was from a anime called HunterxHunter. He was a character named Hisoka" Ochako smiled in victory.

That's what I'm going to cosplay as this year.

"Well you won so here" Izuku handed her the hershey bar over to her.

" Thanks" Ochako put the candy in her bucket.

" Oh no" Izuku looked ahead of them.

" What is it? " Ochako questioned.

" It's Kacchan and his company" Izuku pointed ahead.

Bakugo and a few of his goons were ahead sitting in lawn chairs in the middle of the road.

"Maybe we should just go somewhere else Deku" Ochako was not in the mood to deal with the asshole.

" But this is the last road. And I don't want our night to end yet. Besides this is the road that gives out the Mochi flavored Jawbreakers" Izuku knew that would get her.

" The we have no choice" Izuku knew it.

They proceeded forward until Bakugo shined his flashlight at their faces.

"Where do you think you are going? Deku. Round face. " Bakugo's goons chuckled at their nicknames he gave them.

" We are just passing by Kacchan" Izuku knew he wanted something.

" Oh yeah? Twenty pieces. From each of you" Bakugo pointed his light at both them.

" No way! " Ochako immediately declined his offer.

" Then get lost. If you can't pay the toll then leave. " Bakugo turned his flashlight off.

" I see he went as a ass again this year" Ochako whispered to Izuku.

" I heard that you bitch! " Bakugo was angry now.

"Kacchan can't we just do something else to get by?" Izuku didn't want a fight to go down.

He and Ochako were outnumbered after all.

"Alright fine. Mummy wrap. First one to cover his partner in toilet paper completely from head to toe wins.
You win you can pass for free. You lose you will have to pay" Bakugo held the rolls in his hand.

" Deal! " Izuku and Ochako said together.

They decided Ochako would be the one to get wrapped since she was shorter so there was less to wrap.

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