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we've been at midsummer's for about an hour now. kiara and cassidy left to hang out with pope, while i followed sarah around like a lost puppy, as she greeted all the kook's she knew.

eventually i got bored so i went and got a drink.

what?  i was supposed to have fun tonight ant you cant spell fun without drunk. 

oh wait.

no, no. you can't spell drunk without fun.

anyways after a few drinks i was a 'little' tipsy and so was sarah. we were dancing  until someone tapped her on the shoulder 

"jj?" she asked and i spun around

he was in a tux, he looked so hot.

 he whispered something to sarah about vlad i think?i might just be drunk. handed her a note, and came over to me, he had a black eye and a cut lip.

"what happened to you?" i asked running my finger over his cuts, he winced.

"i'll tell you later but for now can we just dance?" i nodded.

he danced with me slowly, my head laying on his shoulder and my arm's around his neck he leaned down and whispered in my ear,

"you look beautiful by the way." i blushed and looked up he smirked and we leaned in to kiss but someone grabbed his shoulder and spun him around, thankfully it was pope

"hey dude, don't scare me like that bro-" pope interrupted jj by aggressively hugging him

"whoa." jj said "unexpected PDA there, dr spock." 

i snorted and he smirked, but then kissed pope on the cheek

"but uh,hey love you to man."

"dude, i'm sick over all this shit!" he said i walked over 

"your sick?" i felt his head "you don't look sick..." he smacked my hand away,

"sick on the inside." he said

"yeah, well we already knew that." i said and jj chuckled

"did shouppe do that?" he asked gesturing to jj's face 

"no, this was," he cleared his throat "just my dad, he's got that right jab you know?" he said

"that looks like more than just a jab." pope said knowingly

"yeah well nothing that hasn't happened before." he said and i laid my head on his shoulder and squeezed his hand. he squeezed mine in return

"i'm gonna tell them, i'm gonna confess this isn't fair for you to pay for i'm sorry. and i'm gonna come clean i'm gonna tell them all-" he started to ramble

"dude!" jj said grabbing his shoulders to steady him "for once in your life trust someone else." i could take that advice, i thought i wasn't really listening to the rest of their conversation because i was thinking about tonight. john b was gonna tell them about him and sarah. sarah was my best friend but so was kiara. who was i gonna side with? ughhhhhhh.

"maddy?" i looked up at jj 

"i was thinking-" he was interrupted by my least favorite people. the ones i was hoping i wouldn't see tonight, though i knew i would.

the bitches.

sorry, rafe, topper, kelce and braydon. 

"hey i was wondering if you could get me a mai tai my friend." rafe said with a hand on jj's shoulder

"why don't you make that two pogue." kelce snapped

"i'll go do that now, but in the meantime can i interest you in some hors devours?" he asked and lead them to another table

"hey guys, jj's gonna get us some hors devours." rafe said

"actually their right over here-" jj interrupted himself by grabbing my hand and taking off with the boys chasing us

he pulled us into the men's room

he tried to open all of the doors but they were all locked

"takin a shit!" someone yelled

"sorry just really gotta go." jj lied and we ran to the locker room where of course, we were met with the kook's.

"mad's what are you doing in here?" braydon asked "You dont have a dick" he smirked and i scoffed

"its bigger than yours" i replied cooly, jj laughed and looked at me but then, before we could react, kelce got jj in a headlock and some other boy grabbed me from behind holding my hands tightly behind my back and my arm twisted with me against a locker

"maddy!" jj said noticing me struggling 

"what do you think a four iron?" rafe asked the other boys "okay, hold his head still i'm gonna line this up."

"very rafe of you, five on one?" jj said while struggling

"could you please stop talking?" rafe asked "its very disrespectful when i'm trying to make a shot."

rafe walked up to him and bent down while jj was still trying to get out of kelce's grip

"your face looks pretty bad your starting to look more like your dad-" jj spit on him

"oh shit!" rafe laughed and backed up, about to take a swing on him when the lights flickered and a security guard walked in. immediately kelce dropped jj and i was thrown to the center of the room where i collided with jj, but he caught me.
 we stood up, brushed ourselves off, and looked at the security guard.

"is there an issue gentlemen?" he asked and i cleared my throat

"and lady." he corrected

"no theres not a problem sir we were just leaving-" i started but  jj interrupted me

"actually, yes there is an issue, we gotta criminal trespass in progress here, beep! call it in right?" i looked at him dumbfounded he just nodded as it to say 'go with it'  i just sighed

"we're in violation of all kind's of shit here sir." i responded

"but these nice gentlemen," he started and adjusted kelce's tie

"don't touch my shit." he said slapping his hand away

"uh they caught us sir." he said "and were about to take us away."

"which is what you should do." i said and put my hands together in front of me

"escort us out of here." he nodded and hauled us out

"fix that tie son," jj said

"hey you lookin spiffy too." i said to them

"you power puff girl's have fun-"

"hey, maddy your looking hot tonight when can i hit that again?" braydon shouted as we walked out and jj tore away from the guard and went to punch him but he pulled him out in time.

we went out and into the middle of the floor

we were both drunk off our asses making a fool of ourselves and kind of enjoying it till i met eyes with my dad while jj was yelling at someone. i gulped and fear washed over me as he walked over, but thankfully kiara and pope had joined us and we ran out. me on jj's back and kiara pope and john b behind us. i blew sarah a kiss and screamed at braydon

"kiss my ass!" 

"thats my girl!" jj hollered and we ran to the beach where there was a fire-pit set up.

a/n: omgggg this episode had so much shit in it but i wanted to get it out tonight i'll prolly finish the episode by next chapter, but like theres a lotta famous lines we gotta cover and it has to make sense so ya

luv y'all💜

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