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(warning this ones kinda sad)

(no one dies tho lmao)

(or gets severely injured)

(ok imma shut up enjoy)

i woke up in bed laying on jj's chest with his arm wrapped tightly around me

i tried to wiggle out of his grip but i couldn't. i sat up and tried to get his arm off of my leg,

"babe." i whispered he didn't respond so i assumed he was still asleep "come on jj get upppppppp..." i groaned "get up you loaf." i whisper yelled. his arm wrapped around my waist and pulled me back

"shut up this is all muscle." he said flexing his arm's

"yeah right." i said and got off the bed with a scoff

"are you okay?" he asked me

"oh yeah. i forgot." i said to him ignoring his previous question

"i needed to tell you something last night but i fell asleep."

"and..?" he asked leaning against the banister

"i-i uh ahem. i um.." i stuttered he smirked, clearly enjoying my struggle

"you what?" he asked with a dumb grin on his face

"i...." i pinched the bridge of my nose

"i love you too." i finally got out and his face melted into a smile and he chuckled

he leaned in and kissed me softly. i kissed him back and wrapped my arm behind his neck while his fell to my waist

"awwwwwwwwww!!!!!" we heard kiara squeal from behind us while the boys made vomiting noises

"YOU OWE ME 10 DOLLARS JOHN B!" kiara hollered in his ear and i laughed

"dude, shut the fuck up your gonna ruin their moment!" pope said 

"don't worry pope,"jj said patting him on the shoulder as he walked down the stairs "you already did." and we all followed him to the kitchen.

we were lounging outside when cassie came running outside

"maddy! jj! kie! p-pope..." she said and leaning over out of breath

"what happened?" i asked at the same time jj said "are you okay?"

"i-....." she stuttered

"here cassie sit down." i said and scooted over and she sat next me on the lounge chair,

"jack...he-he..." she trailed off and i got scared

"he what cassidy?" i asked seriously

"he left maddy." she said and she looked on the brink of tears

"what?" my voice cracked, she looked down and silently handed me a note, 

maddy and cassie,

i'm sorry guys.
i know i said i would stay this time but i just can't. this is all too much for me to handle. i have a kid for christ's sake. don't try to find me because you won't, i'm safe though and i'll be back. i know you probably hate me and thats totally reasonable. but i love you guys and i'm sorry.


i looked up at cassidy who had tears slipping put of her eyes. i pulled her in for a hug and she sobbed into my chest. the pogues walked off and let us be alone for a sec,

"it's okay cassie..." i mumbled into her hair

"you keep saying that maddy but it's not!" she cried "nothing is okay anymore! stop pretending it's fine when you know it's not!" she sobbed 

"i-i know cass but i'll always be here okay? i'm never gonna leave." i told her

"th-that's what he said..." she whispered and i hugged her tighter

"everyone who i love just hurt's me." she said between sob's

"thats not true babe, i love you okay and it's gonna get easier i promise." i said trying to keep it together,

"i can't." she whispered into my chest

"you can't what?" i asked her

"i can't keep doing this. between dad a-and my an-anor-" she cut herself off by having another fit of sob's. i just rubbed her back as she cried. "when will it all be over?" she whispered with tears falling down her cheeks

"I-I i don't know cass..." i whispered

i looked up and saw that the pogues had been watching. the boys were looking down and kiara was staring at us sadly.

"cassie, do you wanna do anything today?" i asked 

"no." she said "i just wanna go back to my room."

"are you sure?" i asked "because me and the pogues can-" she interrupted me

"no maddy, i just wanna be alone." she whispered

"okay." i said and wiped her tears, kissing her forehead

"i love you." i said and she just walked away

a/n: bruhhhhh ok i'm not dead. still here lmao. but like school sucks ass so i've kinda been busy srry. lol i left u with another cliffhanger but there may or may not be another chapter coming out tonight
we'll see

if you're reading this i love you🤍

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