✰forty six✰

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"you sure he got everything?"

we're sitting on the dock with kie and jj, john b's laying in front of us explaining the situation with the gold

"every bar. the whole enchilada." jb replied

"Look, it's not like I expected a happy ending or some shit." he yanked off the cast

"john b..." kie said concerned

"what kie? it's a hairline fracture. who cares?" he tossed it to the side

"you should care." i said "your arms gonna be messed up for life." he wiggled his fingers, to show that in fact, his arm would not be messed up for life.

"its fine. see?" we rolled our eyes

"Guys!" we heard and looked up "Guys!"

pope ran up to us, out of breath,

"oh, oh! oh, god i ran all the way here." he panted 

"you alright?" i asked

"how'd the interview go?" jj asked him looking up

"don't ask." he breathed 



"look, i'm sorry dude. about everything." pope said

"..it's fine." john b said focusing on the boards holding together the piece of shit dock

"but...but i don't have a lot of time and i have information that is tactically relevant." we all looked up expectantly

"so, before i had my interview, i my dad said he was going down to the private airstrip to cut palms for Cameron's big plane. Because it was too heavy, it needed a longer landing strip to take off. So, I'm there sitting in my interview, thinking to myself, Hm. Why would Cameron need a longer airstrip to take off? What could be so heavy to weigh it down?"

we all looked at each other

"the gold." i whispered a smile creeping on my lips as he pointed at me and clapped

"exactly!" he continued "guys this is our chance, but it leaves tonight and we have to go."

"guys, we can't give up now." kie said, getting excited

"whats the plan big man?" jj asked john b, as he seemed to be the designated leader

"let's steal that shit back." he smirked 

"we go in there, guns a blazin' and make ward cameron beg for mercy." jj explains to us as we drive to the airstrip, "abscond with as much gold as possible and vámonos, get the hell out of there." 

"send that shit, right down the intercostal." john b interjects

"wait for the weather," kie adds

"exit straight to cuba." pope finishes

"cuba?" jj asks "nah man Xcalak, Jewel of the Yucatan." i laughed as he continued "lobsters so thick, mangos, and no word for money." 

"lets do this shit." i said as we pulled in and ran up to the fence

"whats the plan?" kie asked "broad strokes."

"i don't think we got that far." jb said

"great, so i'm gonna die today." i said

"they're loading up the gold." pope observed as he looked through the binoculars, john b took them 

"theres ward." he said as a black car pulled up, he slowly pulled them down and looked out,

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