✰forty one✰

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i woke up in the spare bedroom with jj's arm protectively around me i pulled myself closer into his chest and closed my eyes.

"got it." i heard kiara whisper i looked up to see her and sarah watching us, i closed my eyes before they could see i was awake

"you know its considered rude in some countries to watch others sleep." i said with my eyes still closed

"jesus- fuck-" sarah jumped and i laughed sitting up

"how long were you awake for?" kiara asked

"long enough." i said snatching her phone

"ew! kie! i look like shit!" i said running a hand through my har and attempting to wipe the mascara off of my face

"no you guys were being cute!" she protested and sarah nodded in agreement i rolled my eyes, laying back down

"no, nope!" kie said pulling me up

"ugh what i'm tireddd..." i groaned grabbing jj's arm as he slowly woke up

"no, were going to pawn the gold remember?" she asked and jj shot upright

"fuck yeah!" he whooped getting ready, i sighed following suit and getting changed.

"fuck yeah!" he whooped getting ready, i sighed following suit and getting changed

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             Maddison's outfit+hair

we were all outside, me kiara and sarah in the van looking at some sort of diagram
"he said it looks something like this.." kiara gestured to the small piece of paper

"so..thats 50 feet down.."

"and their using an 100 feet rope.."

"so i guess this little wagon,"

 "who drew this?" sarah laughed

"who do you think?" i responded and we all laughed, kiara turned her head and i followed her line of vision to see her and pope making eye contact, aw.

"hey," john b bumped his arm "you gonna help?"

"huh? yeah." pope refocused,

"so were gonna lower you as far as we can down, and this time we wont drop you."

"that'd be great."

"hey!" jj said walking out "kie this better work."

"why wouldn't it?" i asked

"we can't pawn it if theres a huge wheat symbol on it." he explained

"it'll work." she said turning on the blowtorch

"she's so hot." i said and they all laughed as pope watched in awe,

fast forward to us pulling in to a small shop that, looks a little sus might i add but who am i to judge our pawn shop.

"hell of a job melting it down, docter frankenstein." jj said as we got out of the twinkie, inspecting the gold nugget

"oh, like you could've done any better," she argued

"i could have, i took a welding class." he lied


"hey chill out." john b stopped their bickering.

"easy for you to say," jj said "you're not the one who has to pawn this piece of shit," i smacked his arm

"stop being a dick," 

"how did i get this job anyway?"

"cuz you're the best liar." i laughed

we walked in,

"afternoon ma'am,"

"afternoon," the woman said suspiciously

"i see you buy gold,"

"thats what the sign say don't it?" 

"well, i sure hope you buy a lot of it because i'm about to blow, your mind."

"i ain't got much of a mind left to blow so have at it kid," he dumped the gold on her desk

"how bout them gold apples?" i face palmed as kiara stiffled a kaugh

"that aint real" she laughed

"that aint real?" he repeated 

"it cant be."

"why dont you see how heavy it is," she picked it up and we watched as her hand wavered slightly at the weight

"lets get some light on that," he said as she turned on her light

"spray-painted tungsten." she concluded

"spray-painted tungsten? really okay."  "why don't you see how, uh, how soft it is?" he asked

"you mind?" 

"no, go ahead." she pressed into the gold and looked up

"wow, would you look at that." jj said smugly

"hold your horses, we haven't gotten to the acid test yet."

"ooh, the acid test, my favorite guys." he said and me and sarah shared a confused look

"well it aint plated, it ain't painted.."

"ma'am  i'm telling you this gold is as real as the days long." he said 

"looks like someone tried to melt it down," she countered

"my mom," he said "she had all of this jewelry lying around, she thought it was best to melt it down to, 'consolidate it.'"

"seven pounds?" "thats a lotta earrings." she argued

"to be honest with you ma'am," he started looking down "its really hard to watch my mom fall apart with Alzheimers"

i put my head on kie's shoulder laughing silently 

"gimme a minute." she left and we all looked at jj 

"so i, uh talked to my boss," she set a slip of paper on the table "and uh, this is what i can do."

"50 thousand?" he asked "you think i came in here not knowing the spot price?" he asked "ma'am i know for a fact this is worth 140 at least." 

"well sweetie, you in a pawn shop. this ain't zurich. do i look swiss to you?"

"90." he said "or i walk."

"half-price, and um, i don't ask questions about where you got this." he looked at john b who made the symbol with his hand, signaling that was good

"i'm gonna need that in large denominations." he said and a smile broke out on my face, we all took a breath of relief

"well, heres the snag." i sighed "i don't have that much denominated, not here anyway. i can write you a cashiers check.."

"what? no i came here for the cold hard, thats what the sign says cash for gold. and thats what i expect i'm gonna get in the cold hard."

"well, i have to send you to the warehouse, is that alright?"

"where is this warehouse?"

a/n: heyy bitchesssss im back haha

so my book hasn't been doing to well lmao(by that i mean i'm not getting any votes or comments recently)

sorry abt that but if u guys could vote it would give me a lot more motivation to continue this storyyyyyyy

agh bye haha

if ur reading this i love u🤍

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