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"okay,  i have sooooo much to tell you!" she said sitting me down on a nearby bench.

she then proceeded to tell me that her and the other pogues were on a treasure hunt. i nearly laughed out loud until her blank expression told me she was serious. i don't remember all the details but i'm pretty sure john b's dad, big john routelegde, was looking for the gold until he disappeared almost a year ago and now john b roped the group into continuing his hunt. most recently they had found a boat that had sunk, been home invaded, shot at and arrested.

"well fuck." i said "that's a shit ton of information to process." kiara giggled

"so?" she asked 

"so....?" i replied confused

"are you in?"

"in for...." i was still confused

"the gold stupid!" she said 

"you-you guys want me to help you?" i asked

"well, duh." she told me

"okay, y-yeah sure, it'll be fun right?" i asked

"hell yeah it will! but let's go get something to drink now all this talking is making me thirsty." she said i laughed and followed her to the stand

"can i gat 4 Pepsi's please?" she asked, as the guy was getting them i noticed rafe coming over

"hey kie?" i said "douchebag 4 o'clock." pointing to him

"hey girls." he said walking over

"what do you want rafe?" i asked

"nothing, how are you guys?" he asked

"were fine rafe." said kiara

"great, great. uh, tell your boy we know what he did." he said 

"i'm sorry- what boy are you talking about?" she asked 

"oh, he'll know." he responded. the man at the concession stand handed me the drinks i paid before tugging on her arm,

"lets just go kie." i said and walked away

"nice to see you, girls." he called

"douche." kie said and i flipped him the bird. we walked back over to the boys and handed them their drinks

"just saw rafe," kie told them and jj looked up "and he said, and i quote tell your boy we know what he did." she said

"where, uh where is he?" jj asked, trying to sound nonchalant but failing miserably.

"right there," i said pointing behind us. they both whipped their heads around to see kelce, braydon, topper and rafe looking back.

"great the whole death squad." pope said, his voice cracking,

"don't stare bro." jj said turning popes head back around. 

"just warning you bro," jj said "if they corner me, i'm coming out swinging, slicing n' dicing i'm on edge right now, and if that doesn't work," he held up his backpack "i got this right here."

"jj, please tell me you did not bring a gun here, jj there are kids!" kiara said to him

"relax, kie i didn't bring the gun. everything's fine alright?" 

"oh, wow thank you that's really convincing i love that jj." she replied, he just took a sip of his soda

"you guy's what's rafe talking about?" i asked

"uh, n-nothing." pope said

"you might be the worst liar i've ever met." i told him

"guy's," kiara said "no secret's amongst pogues, what's he talking about?"

"kie," pope said "it might go down tonight."

"what does that mean?" she asked "might go down tonight?"

"what did y'all do?" i asked

they went quiet as the movie had started but i head jj whisper to pope,

"deny, deny, deny." 

about an hour into the movie pope tapped jj's arm quite obnoxiously

"jj! i gotta take a piss!" he whisper-shouted i just sighed, rolling my eyes.

"hold it." jj said

"i can't i had too much soda!" they got up slowly

"where are you guys going?" i asked, like i hadn't been listening to the whole conversation

"gotta wring it out." jj said

"what are you gonna hold it for each other?" kiara asked and i almost choked on my Pepsi.

They left to wring it out i guess, and about 2 minuetes later i saw that rafe, braydon,  topper and kelce were gone.

"hey, kie." i said pulling on her sleeve "we need to go help jj and pope, like right now." i said she nodded and started to follow me

"wait!" i said "grab jj's bag." she nodded and then we snuck behind the screen to see JJ and pope being held by kelce and braydon, while topper and rafe beat the shit out of them.

"topper you fascist asshole!" kie screamed and jumped on his back,

"let go of him!" i yelled and ran at rafe pounding my fists on his back. braydon took a break from holding jj and ran over to me pulling me off of rafe and throwing me to the ground

"this is you left me for?" he asked above me "these dirty pogues!?" i stood up and slapped him,

"don't talk about them!" i shouted

"you bitch!" he said and shoved me, hard. i stumbled back but not enough to make me fall. i get beat every day i was strong.

"what is that all you got dick?" i asked and went to punch him but, slipped and fell forward, i had enough time to grab his ankle as he was going to help beat up jj, he fell and  i was lying on the ground drifting in and out of consciousness when suddenly the screen erupted in flames

someone picked me up bridal style and ran me back to the car. i was half asleep when i opened my eyes to see i was in someones lap while they were playing with my hair.

"jj?" i asked 

"yeah, it's me angel." he said 

"w- what happened?" i asked

"i'll tell you later sweet's, but go to sleep now." i  nodded and dozed off

a/n: hiiiii sorry this is so late but i was working on it on and off and schools starting in like a week so like ahhgggghh. but here ya go see u next chapter.

if  you're reading this i love you 🤍

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