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a/n: guys psa i wrote this a million years ago and it is UNBELIEVABLY cringey. my writing has gotten so much better so if u read this and are like bitch what the fuck is this, go to my other story (apocalypse) and get a better sense of my writing. (OR read this and make fun of me, i could not be bothered just letting yall know that YES i am aware how horrible this is) continue on much love,-L

"i came as soon as i could babes," my best friend, Sarah Cameron said opening my bedroom door with a plastic bag in hand,
"that dick." she sat down on my bed opening the bag and handing me a beer, then taking one for herself.

"whatever." i told her she was referring to my boyfriend braydon , he had recently cheated on me.

"i'm surprised your so chill about this." she told me taking a sip from the bottle

"i'm not." i said simply. "i'm scared if i talk about it anymore i'll start crying." she gave me a side hug, rubbing my arm.

"well, here's the plan." she told me, pulling away


"yes, plan. tonight theres a party at the boneyard-" she started

"no, sarah." i shut her down

"but maddyyyyy you need to get back on the horse!" she cried

"sarah, its been 6 hours."

"exactly. 6 hours of you moping around eating ice ream and watching the notebook and crying."

"fuck off." i grumbled and looked down

"are you sure you're okay?" she asked looking at me as my eyes filled with tears, i shook my head and the waterworks began, she quickly assumed her spot, engulfing me in a hug

"w-why doesn't he love me?" i asked between sobs

"because he's a dumb fuck who didn't deserve you baby." she said and sat up, "now," she started, i sighed " its time to wipe off your mascara and put on your big girl pants."

"um...." i questioned

"were going to that party and were gonna look hot as hell." she told me

"sarah nooooooo..." i groaned laying back down dramatically.

"yes Maddison!" she said pulling me off the bed by my arm.

"fine." i gave in. knowing this wasn't a battle i was gonna win.

"yay!" she exclaimed riffling through my drawer, she took out a white tank top and held it up to me before tossing it at my head, i looked at it and contemplated, trying to remember if anything would be visible if i wore it, eventually i gave in and sighed, taking it from her, i put it on with shorts, and put my hair up with a claw clip. i got a hoodie too just incase i got insecure,

sarah changed into a white skirt with a red tube top as i did my makeup and we got into my car and drove to the party.

"oh!" sarah exclaimed as we got out of the car

"what?" i asked her

"i got my period. shit!" she was wearing a white skirt, been there, i thought

"here go back to the car i'll ask if anyone has anything okay?" i told her

"thanks girl." she said walking to the car as i walked into the beach. i saw kiara carerra, a girl i knew from school. 

"hey kiara?" i asked tapping her shoulder

"Maddy, hey." she said standing up. she was sitting on logs surrounding a fire with 3 boys, John  routelegde,  who I'd seen around because he worked on sarah's dad, ward's boat. Pope heyward, who's dad own's Heywards, which was a convenience store i had been to a few times and the blonde boy with ocean colored eyes was JJ, his dad knows my dad because of, to put it lightly, drugs. and i've seen him around school, my brother went to kildare high so i'd seen him at football games and such.

"um so i came here with," i started i probably shouldn't say sarah because who knows if she'd even continue to listen to me
"a friend and she, well, ah, its that time of the month" i whispered the last part in her ear and popes eyes widened

"oh i got you." she giggled at popes awkwardness

she walked me into the house and handed me a tampon i thanked her and ran to the car

"omg, thank you girl!" sarah said when i got to her she fixed herself up and we went to the party.

a few hours and many drinks later, me and sarah were dancing when she tapped me on the shoulder, i turned around to see Braydon dancing with some random blonde bimbo touron girl. i turned around and pushed through the crowd to the other side of the party and where the keg was, being manned by none other than JJ. did i mention that JJ is hot? like really really hot. i walked up and asked for another drink

"isn't that like your 4th one princess?" he questioned raising an eyebrow

"um, i don't think thats any of your business pogue." i snapped back. i just wanted to forget everything and if this was how then so be it.

he looked at me with disgust "fine whatever don't gotta be such a bitch about it." and handed me the red solo cup i took it from him and walked off.

i walked over to a log sort of away from the party. about 2 minutes later someone came up behind me

"Mads?" the voice asked, only a few people called me that , i turned around only to have my eyes meet with the one person i was counting on not talking to tonight. braydon. his name made me sick.

"what do you want braydon?" i asked

"your drunk." he stated

"and you have a small dick." i said. he looked at me blankly, i put my hands up in surrender "what? i thought we were stating the obvious." i smirked

he sighed, "we need to talk."

"um the hell we do." i said "it's simple. were done." i told him bringing my drink to my lips, but before i could take another sip he snatched the cup away

"hey!" i pouted

"so thats it?" he asked me "were done? because of one little mistake?" he asked me

"one mistake?" i asked "one fucking mistake?!" i said standing up he looked at me

"braydon, by the end of our relationship, i didn't even know you anymore." i told him

"you didn't care about me anymore, you promised me that you wouldn't get addicted, 'just this once' you said that every fucking time!" i yelled tears threatening to slip from my eyes "and once you were hooked, thats all you cared about! not me, just the coke, just-just the goddamn coke..." i trailed off tears streaming down my face as i sat down and sobbed into my hands realizing it was actually over.

"mad's..." he said putting a hand on my shoulder

"no.  you need to leave." i said looking up

"what? no babe..." he said

"braydon. its over were done, you ruined it you did it to yourself." i said my voice cracking

"no. its your fault!" he yelled "why do you think i fucking cheated because you were giving me what i want?" he laughed "your just a slut with daddy issues that needs a fucking reality check. when are you gonna get it out of you thick skull that the world doesn't fucking revolve around you maddison. you need to get your head out of your ass and wake the fuck up." he walked away leaving me sobbing into my hands, what i didn't know was that kiara was watching the entire fight unfold.

i felt someone sit down next to me i looked up through my tear filled eyes and made out a blurry kiara

"i'm so sorry maddy." she said pulling me into a hug i sobbed into her shoulder she rubbed small circles on my back "you came with sarah right?" she asked and i nodded

"she left hon, a while ago after there was a fight with topper and John B." i sighed

"you wanna spend the night here?" she asked

"i-if you don't mind..." i stuttered out

"of course babe come on." she said and led me into the small house.

a/n: hi! so this is my first fan fiction so idek what i'm doing....but i think i'm gonna try to update almost everyday if i can. anyway thx for reading and don't forget to vote/comment! 

if ur reading this i love u🤍

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