possibility #19

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jimin felt a sudden weight fall on him, waking up him immediately. he looked over his shoulder drowsily, seeing his two year old son sitting on his back, grinning at him. jimin groaned loudly, pressing his face into his pillow, feeling jisung's tiny fists against him.

"daddy! get up!" the little boy shouted relentlessly. jimin groaned again, this time moving to get up, jisung falling off him.

he glared at the grinning boy, sighing as he rubbed at his eyes.

"shouldn't you be eating?" jimin asked jisung, watching as the child raised his arms up wanting to be picked up. he got off the bed, picking jisung up before heading towards the kitchen. he placed the boy in his seat at the table, passing by his five year old daughter, ruffling her hair.

he quickly washed up, coming back to see jungkook placing their breakfast in front of the kids.

"did jisung wake you up?" the younger asked, walking over to kiss his cheek. jisung giggled in response. jungkook laughed, "wow jisungie, good job."

jimin threw a napkin at his husband in response, their two kids giggling at him.

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