possibility #17

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jungkook blinked tiredly as the morning sun peeked through the thin curtains. he stretched, careful of the body next to him, the sleep slowly leaving him. he turned onto his side to look at his husband, surprised to see their two year old son sleeping peacefully on top of the older's chest. jungkook felt a smile pull at his lips at the sight, reaching over to brush his fingers through the child's hair.

even after five years of marriage, he would never get used to the sight of jimin sleeping. he leaned over to kiss the soft lips, pulling away to see jimin awake and staring fondly at him.

"you're such a creep kook." jimin grinned playfully, pinching jungkook's cheek.

jimin kissed the top of jungmin's head, before pulling jungkook close to his body.

"let's get some more sleep baby." jimin whispered before falling back asleep, grip around jungkook and their son tight and protective. jungkook smiled, leaning up to kiss the older's cheek before snuggling into the warmth, sleep overcoming him once again.

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