possibility #15

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jimin groaned into his pillow, head pounding.

"hyung, get up. you need to take your medicine." jungkook gently coaxed him onto his back, placing a wet cloth on his forehead, "you're burning up."

jimin coughed, whining at the pain of his sore throat. he grabbed jungkook's wrist, taking the towel off.

"n-not that sick." he murmured, moving to get off the bed. jungkook sighed, pushing at jimin to lay back down, not needing much strength from how weak the older was.

"if you expected to go to practice, you thought wrong. i already told the hyungs that you can't." jungkook said, matter of fact. jimin whined again, childishly pulling the blanket over his face.

"i hate this jungkookie."

jungkook smiled, grabbing the blanket. he placed the towel back on his forehead.

"don't worry hyung, i'll take care of you. always."

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