possibility #18

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jimin was exhausted, opting to fall asleep on the couch in the dressing rooms before their next performance while the other members were doing their solo stages. the room was usually bustling with people, the quiet emptiness almost not sitting well with him.

but he was thankful for it at the moment, letting himself fall asleep, not minding the tight stage clothes.

jimin woke up to a heavy weight on his body and someone's head tucked into his neck. he groaned, annoyed that the tiny amount of sleep he could've gotten was disturbed.

"jungkook, get off me," he grumbled, trying to push the younger off, but jungkook only shook his head, cuddling into him even more.

the older sighed, deciding to just leave it be. he brought up a hand, brushing back jungkook's hair. jimin held him by his waist, rolling on his side so jungkook wasn't completely on top of him.

"how much time do we have left?" jimin asked, already on the verge of falling back asleep. jungkook grumbled a quiet, "a half-hour."

jimin nodded, pulling jungkook closer to his body, kissing his forehead, letting the younger cuddle into him before dozing off once again.

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