He Was Right | Edward Mason x Fem! Reader

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No one requested this but I had a really good idea for an Eddie oneshot so here it is


I do not own the image above.

Fandom: Angels of Death

Extra: (Y/N)'s floor is like a library. Eddie isn't in love with Rachel at all (😀👍) Eddie also won't be trying to kill (Y/N) to make her his treasure, that aspect just doesn't exist here

Warnings: Contains scenes that may trigger some readers. Uncensored cursing.

Word Count: 1034

{3rd Person P.O.V}

"Dear residents, today we have a new angel joining us. She will be at her floor, I'm sure she'd appreciate if you all went to go greet her. I have already taken the time to tell her your names but please do correct her if she makes a mistake." Gray said to the other angels, not even bothering to tell them (Y/N)'s name.

"What the fuck? Why the hell should we even do that? I'm going back to my floor, don't bother talking to me you fuckers." Zack grumbled, swinging his scythe over his shoulder and walking away. "He's in a bitter mood, as usual. I wonder if this new angel takes care of her eyes. Hopefully they are as unique as Rachel's peepers. I am going to go and greet her, care to join me Edward?" Daniel asks the green-eyed boy, seeing that Rachel had already started walking away. "Sure! I hope she's nice... unlike Zack" Eddie responds, a soft smile forming on his face although it is not visible to the rest due to the burlap mask he wears at practically all times.

Cathy hadn't even bothered to show up when Gray had called them to his floor, Gray simply let it slide and proceeded to go to her floor to tell her. Once Eddie and Daniel made it to (Y/N)'s floor, Eddie was immediately star struck when he first laid eyes on her.

(Y/N) walked over to the two. "Oh hello! You must be Edward and...Daniel right?" (Y/N) asks. "Correct! Now I must say you have some marvelous peepers, I can tell you take good care of them" Daniel says, creeping out the 13 year old. "Uhm..thank you?" (Y/N) says in utter confusion. Daniel smiles and then says, "It was lovely meeting you, if you ever have an issue with your lovely peepers, come to me I have all sorts of eye treatments. I will be returning to my floor now, have a good day both of you" as he smiles creepily. "Uhm..okay thank you, goodbye, oh also! My name is (Y/N)" you respond. "Goodbye, (Y/N) and Edward." Daniel says before leaving to his floor.

"So, does he always act like that?" (Y/N) asks, trying to figure out what Eddie looks like under the burlap mask. "S-Sometimes, not always, usually just towards Rachel" Edward responds, blushing in embarrassment for stuttering. "Who's Rachel?" (Y/N) asks.

And that was the question that started it all. It started their friendship, that would soon bloom into a beautiful relationship and one day, fall and crash into utter misery for the two young teens.

Eddie and (Y/N) spent the rest of that day on (Y/N)'s floor talking. Eddie explained everything she needed to know about the building and where everything was, who was who and so on. The days following that (Y/N) and Eddie spent practically all their time together. They were constantly at each other's floors, just hanging out most of the time.

Then, one day, (Y/N) confessed her feelings for Eddie. Eddie became a stuttering mess but was able to tell her that he felt the same way and from that day forward they starting dating.

Up until a few months later, when (Y/N) showed up at Eddie's floor, a sad expression displayed on her face, Eddie knew things were bound to go downhill. "Oh hey (N/N)!!" Eddie said happily, getting up and running towards his lover. "Hey Eddie...uhm I have something to tell you, let's go sit down." (Y/N) said, looking up at Eddie, sadness glistening in her eyes. Eddie nodded in response and went to get sit. The two sat there in silence for a good while, both of them too afraid to say anything.

"Eddie." (Y/N) finally spoke. "Yes?" Eddie asked, looking (Y/N), trying to figure out what expression she displayed on her face now. "I'm sorry but I think we'd be better as f-friends..." (Y/N) said, her voice cracking at the end.

After that they both parted their ways. Eddie cried for days and days, missing (Y/N) with all his heart yet knowing that there was nothing he could do about it now.

About a month later (Y/N) went to Eddie's floor to say hello and to just see how he was doing. (Y/N) went looking around his floor to find him and once she did, he had his shovel held out. "Uh Eddie...?" (Y/N) called out. Eddie turned to face (Y/N), his face tear stained and blood dripping down his head. "Eddie!!" (Y/N) yelled, running towards the red haired boy.

As (Y/N) ran, Eddie hit himself on the head with his shovel again. Eddie started falling and (Y/N) caught him. "Eddie.." (Y/N) muttered, sitting down on the floor, holding Eddie. "Eddie why did you do this.. hold on, please stay alive a little bit longer, I can go get help! Eddie please.." (Y/N) says, slowly beginning to get up. "You know.. he was right.." Eddie mumbled. "Who? Eddie who was right?" (Y/N) asked, panic lacing her voice as she sat right back down, cradling Eddie in her arms. "My brother... he was right... I am u-u-useless... I'm sorry that I-I ever bothered you (Y-Y/N).." Eddie mumbled, blood continuing to run along his face. "No! You were never a bother! Eddie please no! Eddie! I still love you!" (Y/N) yelled. It was too late, Eddie was gone.


I hope you all enjoyed it!

Some more angst >:)

Have a wonderful day/night!

- Mel

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