Bagels With a Side of Love | Jaehee Kang x Fem! Reader

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Thank you strawberryxmilk14 for requesting this!

Hope you enjoy it!

Warnings: None

Fandom: Mystic Messenger

Word Count: 1k


{Second Person P.O.V}

You, (Y/N) (L/N), are Jaehee Kang's assistant.

Now, as you all may know, Jaehee is Jumin Han's assistant. After ages of the RFA trying to convince Jumin to give Jaehee an assistant, Jihyun (V) was the one who managed to convince the stubborn man. You've known the members of the RFA for a while, so when Jumin said he was looking for someone to be Jaehee's assistant, you were the first person to go for the job.

Like every other person who worked at C&R, you had to go to an interview. Lo and behold, you were announced as the best fit for the job.

So the next day, you were given your own office and you got straight to work.

[A week later]

Jaehee had asked you today for the first time for something that wasn't revolves around work. She asked you if you could bring her a cup of coffee from the small cafe across the street since she herself didn't have enough time to when she left for work. You, of course agreed and went directly to the cafe.

When you arrived the office that morning you had noticed that Jaehee also hadn't eaten. Every morning she always had some sort of pastry with her since she never had time to eat at home. Yet this morning she didn't. So while you were ordering you also made sure to also order a bagel.

Once your arrived back at the office you went to Jaehee's office and give her her coffee along with the bagel. She would've never said it out loud but she thought that you giving her the bagel was a really sweet gesture. "Oh thank you Ms. (L/N), you didn't need to get me a bagel as well, I would have been fine with just the coffee." Jaehee says, taking a sip of her coffee. "I saw that you didn't eat this morning and it isn't healthy to go all day without eating anything." You say, genuinely worried about Jaehee's health.

"Thank you for worrying about me Ms. (L/N) but I would have been perfectly fine." Jaehee says. "Jaehee I told you that you can just call me (Y/N)" You say with a soft chuckle. "Thank you but I will continue to call you Ms. (L/N), now if you excuse me I have work to attend to, thank you again for the coffee and the bagel, I apologize for the trouble" Jaehee says, giving you a soft smile. "It wasn't a trouble at all! It's my job to help you! You know what, tomorrow don't stop by the cafe in the morning, get those extra minutes of sleep, I'll bring you coffee and a bagel every morning!" You say, smiling widely at the other.

"Oh Ms. (L/N) you don't have to do that, I will be perfectly fine, you don't need the extra work especially with all that I make you do already..." Jaehee says. "Oh please! You had to do everything on your own before! You barely even give me 1/3 of the work you did before! Let me do this for you Jaehee, you deserve even a few extra minutes of sleep, please I insist." you reply, wanting to help out Jaehee a bit more.

Jaehee lets out a soft sigh. "If you insist... but if it ever does become troublesome for you Ms. (L/N) I will understand completely and I will perfectly fine with doing it on my own again" Jaehee says, getting back to work. "I swear to you it won't!" you respond, leaving her office and returning to yours.

[Two weeks later]

You had never expected to fall for someone in the span of two weeks. After the first few days of taking Jaehee her coffee and a bagel you two started having longer conversations to where sometimes you both had to stay longer at night to catch up on work due to how much you two talked.

You loved it, she was so sweet and she was wasn't as professional around you anymore. You managed to get her to call you (Y/N) instead of Ms. (L/N) and you even gave her a nickname. The issue was you didn't know if she was attracted to females or not. You knew that she was into Hyun (Zen) which did make you very jealous. Whenever she'd start talking about him and showing you pictures of him during his plays you couldn't help but wish it was you that she admired and had feelings for.

Today, you decided to be risky and tell her your feelings for her. You had gone and ordered her coffee and bagel like you did every morning. You entered the C&R building and went to her office. You saw her sitting at her desk doing work, she looked so graceful doing the even simplest of tasks. "Did anyone order a bagel with a side of love?" You ask from the door, holing the bagel in one hand and the coffee in the other. "Did you just refer to coffee as love?" Jaehee asks, tilting her head in confusion. You stare at the ground, trying to hide the blush forming on your face from embarrassment. You walk over to her desk and place the coffee and bagel on it.

You take a deep breath and look at Jaehee. "Jae... I hope what I'm about to say next doesn't ruin our friendship, but what I was trying to say is that I want to show you my love for you. I'm in love with you. I understand why it was confusing but that's what I was trying to say" You say, fidgeting with your fingers from nervousness. A light blush forms on Jaehee's face. Jaehee doesn't say anything, instead she simples gets up and walks over to you. Jaehee hugs your figure "(N/N), I love you too" Jaehee says, looking at your (E/C) eyes and smiling at you. You return the hug and smile widely at her "Im so glad" you say.


I hope you all enjoyed this oneshot!

I do not own the image used above.

Hope you all have a good day!

Stay safe!

- Melon

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