Donuts | Yugi Amane (Hanako) x Fem! Reader

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Requested by abeaird14 !

{Hanako is still a ghost in this, not that kind of AU. Only in which (Y/N) takes Yashiro Nene's place. Of being able to see the ghost boy, and I haven't seen the anime in a while so I don't remember exactly what happens, I'm just winging it, I apologize for that 😅}

[3rd Person P.O.V]

"Minamoto-kun!" (Y/N) yells out in the hallway, trying to catch the younger's attention.

"Oh hey! How can I help you (Y/N)?" Kou asks, stopping and turning around to face the older.

"Do you know how to make donuts?" (Y/N) asks, hoping dearly he does.

"Yeah! Why?" Kou asks.

"Can you teach me how to?" (Y/N) asks, entirely ignoring his question.

"Sure but why?" Kou asks again, wanting to know why the latter would possibly want to know how to make donuts.

"Reasons, don't question it." (Y/N) says, grabbing Kou's arm and dragging him to the Home Ec. room.

Kou lets himself be dragged "I still want to know why you so badly want to know how to make donuts-" The younger says. "Like I said. Do not question it." (Y/N) says, pointing to a stool "Sit and tell me what I need to do." (Y/N) says, wanting to make these donuts quickly so she can give them to Hanako.

"Okay chill ms. bossy" Kou says, not sitting on the stool but instead going towards where all the food items are and starts picking out the ingredients. "Seriously... who just randomly wants to learn how to make donuts?" Kou mutters, not caring if (Y/N) hears him or not.

After Kou lays out the ingredients in front of (Y/N) he proceeds to show her how to make the batter. "Donuts are really t h i s hard to make?" (Y/N) whines, rubbing her nose with the back of her hand causing there to be batter on her nose.

"Yes, hEY- wash your hands again" Kou says, moving over to the pot of oil to see if it's the temperature it needs to be at.

About an hour later, once the donuts are cooled and iced with icing, (Y/N) is excited to take them to Hanako. 'I hope he likes them..' she thinks.

"Okay thank you Minamoto-Kun!" (Y/N) says, patting the younger on the shoulder, grabbing the donuts and practically runs out the door towards the bathroom.

(Y/N) slams the door open in excitement causing Hanako to get slightly frightened.

"Oh sorry Hanako-Kun" (Y/N) says, hiding the donuts behind her back

"It's okay, but hey (Y/N)-chan!" Hanako says, grinning at the shorter girl.

"Here, I made these for you!" (Y/N) says happily, handing him the donuts.

Hanako's eyes sparkle when he sees the donuts. "You made me donuts?" he asks, smiling widely at (Y/N).

Hanako looks fondly at (Y/N) and proceeds to take a large bite out of one of the donuts. "Woahhh.." Hanako mumbles, eating the rest of the donut.

"Thank you" Hanako says, grinning widely and getting closer to (Y/N).

"You're welcome" (Y/N) says, her face flushing pink.

Hanako pecks her on the lips. "I like you (Y/N)" he says cheerfully.

"I like you too!" (Y/N) says, smiling.

{552 words}

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