Cat | Hitoshi Shinso x Fem! Reader

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Requested by abeaird14 !
[Sorry if this is bad! I don't really know how Shinso would act in this situation so I apologize if he is OOC]

{3rd Person P.O.V}

"Come on Shinso!" (Y/N) yells at the indigo haired boy.

"(Y/N) what could possibly be so important that you're yanking me away from going home?" Shinso asks, wanting to go home and take a nap and not be disturbed by anyone.

"Trust me you'll like the surprise!" (Y/N) says cheerfully.

'How do I like this girl so much, she's just so bubbly' Shinso think, allowing (Y/N) to drag him away.

"Tada!" (Y/N) says, doing jazz hands as they arrive at U.A's garden.

"What are you showing me?" Shinso asks with a straight face present on his soft features.

"The cat!" (Y/N) says, pointing at a kitten near a bush, staring at the two high schoolers with its wide yellow eyes.

Shinso's straight face turns into a soft smile as he crouches down and gently pets the kitten.

"See! I knew you'd like the surprise!" (Y/N) proudly says, placing her hands on her hips.

Shinso chuckles. "How'd you know I like cats so much?" he asks the girl next to him.

"You told me you loved cats!" (Y/N) says, laughing at him.

Shinso stands up properly and looks straight into (Y/N)'s eyes.

'Do it. Just do it.' Shinso thinks to himself.

Shinso quickly pecks (Y/N) on the lips and turns his attention back to the cat.

(Y/N)'s cheeks turn a light hue of red and she stares down at Shinso.

(Y/N) lifts Shinso up to be stand up in front of her and hugs him.

"I like you too!" (Y/N) says.

Shinso smiles widely, feeling the happiest he's felt in years.

{301 words}

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