Strawberry Milk | Karma Akabane x Fem! Reader

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Requested by abeaird14 !Thank you!

{2rd Person P.O.V}

You and Karma have been friends for years, and when both of you got moved to E-class it wasn't all too bad.

You went to the E-class due to your terrible grades. Karma tried to tutor you, of course while making his usual witty remarks often, and you just couldn't seem to pick up the material.

Most likely because you were distracted by Karma all the time. From his messy red hair to his cologne he was just so, magnificent.

You two had this thing. Everyday you'd take each other a drink. You always gave him strawberry milk. You knew how much he loved it. Whenever he actually remembered to bring you a drink he'd give you (f/d). [favorite drink]

It was honestly quite rare that he'd remember to bring you a drink so when he did you couldn't help but feel butterflies in your stomach.

The thing is, he never forgot. He always remembered he just didn't want you thinking he cared too much. You know he cares about you and he knows you know so it wasn't like he was a tsundere or anything he just didn't want you knowing that he was a softie at heart.

{3rd person P.O.V}

"Morninggg" (Y/N) says in their usual bubbly voice. "Hey (Y/N)~" Karma says, looking at (Y/N) smugly. (Y/N) couldn't help but feel butterflies in her stomach.

(Y/N) hands Karma his daily strawberry milk. "Here you go" (Y/N) says, grinning sweetly at the red head.

"Ooh thanks~" Karma says, proceeding to hand (Y/N) (f/d).

(Y/N) feels butterflies swarming in her stomach as her cheeks flush red. "Thank you Karma!" she says, smiling widely at the taller.

Karma can no longer contain his feelings for the shorter. Karma places his open strawberry milk carton on his desk and pulls (Y/N) closer by her tie.

"Karma...?" (Y/N) asks, her face 50 shades of red.

Karma places his lips on (Y/N)'s soft ones and kisses her sweetly.

"I like you~" Karma says, smirking at them.

"I like you too" (Y/N) says, smiling at him with her face still red.

[374 words]

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