Grievous Strikes Back

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3RD Person

On the planet Saleucami. Jedi Commander Kaleb Dume and Clone Commander Grey hold a forward operations base from separatist attack. Meanwhile Jedi General Diba Billaba, Jedi First Commander Axle Tinguard and Clone ARC Captain Chase lead a hit and run attack on separatist supplies traveling to the capital. If these supplies get passed the Jedi, the CIS could gain the upper hand in the fight for Saleucami.

"TAKE COVER!!! TAKE COVER!!!" Chase screamed as he ran behind some rocks while blasting droids. Axle ran to his side. "CHASE ON MY SIGNAL, FLANK RIGHT!!!" He ordered. "SIR YES SIR!!!" Chase responded. Axle out stretched his hand and took control of one of the droid turrets. He turned and fired on the other enemy droids. "NOW!!!" Axle yelled. "GO GO GO!!!" Chase yelled as he and his men charged toward the droids blasting every droid they see. Once Axle was finished with the droid turrets, he joined the clones taking out the remaining droids and claiming the supplies as their own.

"Master Billaba, we've captured the separatist supplies and we now control the road way." Axle reported. "Excellent work Padawan. We have secured the North sector." Billaba responded. "Understood master. We'll rendevu back at the base." He answered. "Alright boys, let's grab this stuff and move out." Axle ordered. "You got it sir." Chase replied.


The group arrives back at the forward operations base. "Hey how's monitor duty?" Axle asked Kaleb. "Slow and boring." He responded. "Well, don't get too comfortable. We got the supplies. Which means we attack the capital today." Axle reminded him.

Master Billaba returned with her captured supplies. "Get some rest everyone. We move out in 30." She ordered.


General Grievous managed to slip past the republic fleet, but they knew he landed on the planet's capital. Admiral Yularen informed Master Billaba. Grievous landed at the capital. Droids lined up for his arrival. Grievous emerged from his ship and walked toward the command center. *Cough* *Cough* *Cough* "I see you still haven't driven the Republic from the system Commander." he said. "Sir, the Republic operatives are surprisingly....clever." The droid responded. "That is no excuse for losing control of half the planet in 3 rotations." The general explained. "I am now in full control of this defense operation by order of Count Dooku. "By your command." The droid Commander answered.


"ALL UNITS MOVE OUT!!!" Captain Chase ordered as the 91st mobile reconnaissance corps started their march toward the capital.


Halfway there, Master Billaba was informed of General Grievous's arrival. "Padawan's, I will deal with Grievous. You make sure the capital is under our control." "Yes Master." Axle and Kaleb answered.

They arrived a couple thousand yards away from their objective. "We will set up our camp here in case we need to fall back." Master Billaba informed. Once everything was set up, the time came to attack. "Padawan's get in your groups." "We're ready Master." Axle said, "Chase, let's bust some clankas!" "Copy that sir!" Chase responded with enthusiasm. "FORWARD!!!" Commander Grey yelled as the Republic charged toward the capital.


*Cough* "We're under attack! Activate defense protocols!" Grievous ordered. Droids pressed buttons and the capital walls started to rise. "AT-TE'S, OPEN FIRE!!!" Axle yelled in his commlink. The Republic tanks fired at the wall from the camp. The clones screamed and yelled when the blue lasers flew over their heads and came crashing down on the steel. "WELL THAT WAS EASY." Kaleb jokes. "NOT SO FAST. THIS IS FAR FROM OVER." Axle said.

Grievous saw through the cameras as the Republic crashed through the walls and charged through the droids. "UGH!!!" he screamed. He saw Master Billaba, "I will deal with that Jedi Myself." He left in anger.

Master Billaba took out a droid cannon when she saw Grievous enter the battlefield. She rushed to engage and crossed blades with the cyborg. "You foolish Jedi. You will die along with your precious Republic." He taunted as they fought. Grievous then caught Billaba off guard and knocked her down. Chase saw what was happening. Grievous went for the killing blow but Billaba used the force to block the lightsaber, but not enough for it to pierce through her torso. She screamed out in pain and forced Grievous back a little. Billaba then blackouts from her injuries. Chase screamed out,  "COMMANDER, GENERAL BILLABA!!!" This caught Axle's attention and he ran to help her. Grievous was about to slice through the Jedi Master when a green blade stopped him from doing so. Grievous remembered the young Jedi. He laughed. "Axle Tinguard. If I was aware you were here, I would have gone for you first." "Well I'm glad you think of me." Axle taunted. He blocked Grievous's attacks until he was able to parry and force pushed him into a wall. The General ran off. Axle ran to Billaba's side. "KALEB SHE NEEDS MEDICAL ATTENTION NOW!!!" He yelled. Droid reinforcements arrived. The capital was not taken yet and the extra droids started to overwhelm the clones. "FALL BACK!!!" Axle ordered. "COPY THAT COMMANDER!!!" Chase answered and started to retreat with the rest of his men. Axle picked up Master Billaba and joined the clones. Grievous watched from a distance. *Cough* "We are not done yet." he said to himself.


The Republic fell back to their camp and put Master Billaba in a bacta tank. Kaleb stayed with his Master as Axle went to contact the Council. "Master Billaba is in critical condition and the attack on the capital has failed. Grievous is waiting for our next move." He reported. Jedi Master Mace Windu responded, "I understand. Skywalker, is there a way you can reinforce Axle on Saleucami?" Master Skywalker answered. "Sorry master, but if we leave, Felucia will be lost." Ahsoka and Axle looked at each other with worry. "I am sorry Axle, but by the time anyone else can come to your aid, it might be too late. You must find a way to capture the capital." Master Windu explained. Axle paused then answered, "I...understand Master." The council ended the call, but Ahsoka stayed. "Axle, are you ok?" She asked. Axle smiled. "I'm just glad to hear your voice. I miss you." Ahsoka smiled, "I miss you too." They stared at each other smiling. Anakin entered the conversation, "Ahsoka we have to go." "Good luck." Ahsoka said then ended the call. 

Axle walked into the command tent. He went to a desk and started to meditate. Kaleb could sense a lot of unease and worry from him. He walked over to Commander Grey, "Why is Axle so nervous all of a sudden?" Grey responded, "With General Billaba out of commission and no reinforcements coming, First Commander Tinguard is the commanding officer of the entire invasion." Kaleb looked surprised and stared back at his friend. Axle closed his eyes and tried to calm himself. If he fails, the entire system will be lost.

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