Albion Cafe (Perwaine Cafe AU)

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*Aight first time trying to write a cafe AU. Let's hope it doesn't suck!*

Percival wrapped his coat tighter around himself as he trudged through the snowy streets of his city. He sighed, a puff of his breath hanging in the cold air, and checked his watch. He was only a few miles away from his office and extremely early. He smiled a little at this as he turned his attention to a small, but quaint, cafe called Albion Cafe. He always passed by it on his way to work in the morning, but never had the time to even go inside. Luck seemed to be on his side this morning and he decided to enter. 

A wave a warm air hit him as he entered, a small ding announcing his arrival. A few customers spotted the seemingly empty cafe and only three workers were behind the counter. Two of them, a raven-haired man and a blonde man, seemed to be distracted by bickering with each other. The third worker, a longish-haired man with a beard, stood at the cash register, looking bored. Percival made his way to the cashier, who instantly perked up at the new customer.

"Well, hello there, tall and gorgeous," the man smiled flirtatiously at Percival. "What would you like to order?"

Percival froze at seeing that smile before returning a small one and ordering a medium hot coffee with cream and sugar. 

"That'll be $3.45," the man said. "And the name to fit the pretty face?"

"P-Percival," Percival stuttered, trying to ignore the heat creeping up his face. 

"Alright, your order will be ready soon."

Percival nodded and hurried to the counter. A few minutes passed by before the same man from before handed him the coffee.

"The name's Gwaine," the man winked. "Call me."

Percival nodded wordlessly before grasping the coffee in both hands and rushing off.

"Look at that, Gwaine, you probably scared off another one."

"Shut it, Princess."


After that encounter, Percival made sure to make time before work to visit Albion Cafe each morning, and each morning Gwaine was the one who took the order. Percival did end up calling Gwaine that first day they met, and they ended up becoming closer over the weeks. Gwaine had introdued him to his coworkers and friends, Arthur and Merlin. This kept going on for over a month until one day Percival showed up and only Arthur and Merlin were working. Percival was a bit worried because earlier Gwaine wasn't answering his phone, but he took it as he was probably sleeping because he was maybe sick. However, the worried whispers he was hearing from the other two as he approached the counter worried him more.

"Arthur," he greeted. "Merlin. Is something wrong?"

"Gwaine's ex girlfriend Eira suddenly appeared earlier this morning," Arthur began to explain. "Which is weird as she moved away around two years ago when she broke it off with Gwaine."

"She asked to speak with him and they left, but they've been gone for about an hour now," Merlin explained as well. "We don't know if something bad has happened to him or not, so we're extremely worried."

Percival's face paled at this news and asked where Eira and Gwaine would have gone. After getting directions to the nearest park, Percival took off running, trying to call Gwaine the entire time. Each call was sent to voicemail and each voicemail he heard, he cursed his luck. Finally, off the the distance, he heard a quiet ringing. Hope rising in his chest, he ran as fast as he could towards the sound, which was coming from a alleyway near the park. His heart sunk when he entered the alleyway and saw a badly beaten Gwaine laying on the ground, his phone loudly ringing next to him. Percival immediately called 911 before kneeling down, taking Gwaine's head and placing it in his lap.

"It's going to be fine," Percival muttered both to Gwaine and himself. "Everything's going to be fine."

A few minutes passed by until he heard the sirens of an ambulance and the running feet of paramedics. He didn't realize he was crying until he spoke to them.

"P-Please," he cried, his voice cracking. "Help him."


A blinding white light greeted Gwaine when he opened his eyes. He groaned as he tried to move, but a pain in his right arm made him flop back down onto the bed he was in. 

"Ugh..." Gwaine muttered. "Why did I think it was good idea to talk with my ex?"

"Beacuse you're a dumbass."

Percival's voice made Gwaine jolt in surprise before turning to said man. Percival sat in an uncomfortable looking chair looking relieved but exhausted.

"H-How long was I out?" Gwaine asked. "And why does my arm hurt so much?"

"A day," Percival replied. "And your arm is broken. But onto the important stuf; what the hell happened to you?"

"Well, my ex girlfriend Eira apparently came back in order to try and take me back," Gwaine admitted sheepishly. "She did not like hearing that I had moved on, so her brothers kind of left me to die in that alleyway."

"Gwaine..." Percival sighed before perking up again. "Wait, 'moved on'?"

Gwaine's smile turned sly as he grabbed Percival's face in his and pressed his lips to his. Percival's eyes widened at this before he melted into the kiss. The two of them soon broke apart, wide smiles on their faces. 

"Yeah," Gwaine chuckled. "Moved onto you."

*WTF was this. I'm no longer writing cafe AUs anymore cause this was tough. No idea how people do these things XD*

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