Stormy Night

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The thunder made Freya wake with a start, sweat pouring down her face. She looked to her side to see Merlin sound asleep, his arm around her protectively. She smiled at him, and tried to fall back asleep, but to no avail. Sighing, she slipped out of bed, doing her best not to wake Merlin. She slipped into the kitchen as the storm raged on outside. She knew that a kind of storm like this would not let Morgana sleep at all. Fastening her blue cloak that Morgana gave her over her nightgown, Freya opened the door to her house. She pulled on her hood, and took off into the storm. 

The rain pelted her as she ran towards the castle. Lightning illuminated the sky as more thunder rumbled on. There were no guards so Freya was able to easily make her way into the castle. Throwing off her hood, she ran towards Morgana's chambers. She arrived at the door, stopping only to catch her breath, and she knocked loudly. No one answered, so she opened the door a crack.



Morgana sat straight up in bed, sweat pouring down her face as the storm continued to rage outside. Lightning illuminated her room and she saw a figure standing in her door way. She screamed in surprise, her eyes glowing gold. The vase of flowers that Freya had picked for her exploded into tiny pieces, the flowers and water falling to the ground. The figure began to rush over to her, and she raised her hand in defense.

"S-Stay away from me!" Mogana cried out.

"Morgana, it's me," the figure spoke. "Freya."

Morgana slowly calmed down as another bolt of lightning showed Ferya's worried face.

"F-Freya," Morgana stuttered, moving to sit on her bed. "Why are you here so late at night?"

"I couldn't sleep," Freya replied, sitting next to Morgana. "I wanted to check on you."

"I'm feeling better now," Morgana replied with a smile. "Thank you for coming."

"I guess I need to get you a new vase," Freya sighed, looking at the smashed vase. "Do you want it to be blue again?"

"Sure," Morgana replied, letting out a small laugh.

Thunder sounded again, causing both of them to jump in surprise. They both looked out the window, and, judging by the darkness, it was still the middle of the night. They knew that neither of them would be able to fall asleep again, so they decided to play checkers for the rest of the night.

"So, how are you and Merlin?" Morgana asked, moving a piece across the board. "I thought that you would leave Gauis all alone, but I guess he has a wife now."

"Yeah, Gauis does," Freya laughed, moving her piece across the board. "And Merlin and I are fine. I think that he's still getting used to practicing magic out in the open though."

"What about you?" Morgana asked, looking up at her friend. "Is it weird to be a Druid who works for the King's sister?"

"Kind of," came Freya's reply as she observed the board. "But I know that Merlin will help me with any issue I have."

"I can't imagine someone loving me like that," Morgana muttered, looking down.

"Aha!" Freya suddenly cried out, making Morgana look up in confusion. 

Freya jumped all of Morgana's pieces, and laughed at Morgana's shocked expression.

"I win," Freya stated, grinning sheepishly. "Also, you have got to be kidding me Morgana. Have you even seen the way Mordred stares at you?"

"Oh, no," Morgana muttered, looking away in embarrassment. "I have never noticed it before."

Freya let out an amused chuckle and began to set up the board again. "Want another go?"

"You bet," Morgana replied.


They played a total of five more games, Freya winning them all, before Morgana suddenly perked up.

"Morgana?" Freya asked, preparing the board again. "Are you alright."

"Freya, look," Morgana pointed, moving to her window. "It's over."

Confused, Freya made her way over to where Morgana was standing. Outside, the storm had subsided, giving way to a calm and peaceful night. There was only a few hours left before dawn would soon break.

"I better get back to Merlin in case he wakes up and wonders where I am," Freya smiled as she made her way towards the door.

"Goodbye Freya, I will see you in the morning," Morgana smiled. "And thank you for telling me about Mordred."

Freya nodded back, and hurriedly made her way out of Morgana's room, through the castle. and to her house. Just as she closed the door, she heard someone clear their throat behind her. She spun around to face Merlin, his arms folded.

"Merlin," Freya gave him a small smile. "You're up?"

"Freya, where were you?" Merlin asked worriedly, rubbing Freya's arms. "I was worried sick."

"I went to go check on Morgana, nothing else," Freya replied, with a little shrug.

Merlin smiled at her, and put an arm around her waist. 

"Come on, Freya," Merlin yawned. "Let's get back to bed."

Freya nodded, and soon the both of them were fast asleep.

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