Picnic Gone Wrong (Perwaine)

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*Just a quick author's note before this story begins; I have begun writing the Evil Arthur AU book if any of you are interested! This will also be the last one-shot for this book!*

"What do you mean 'no'?" 

Percival sighed before looking up at Gwaine, who in turn gave him a pout.

"Remember Yuletide?" Percival asked. "I'm still finding kernels in my boots."

To prove his point, he held a boot upside down and a few corn kernels fell out onto the floor.

"You know that that wasn't all my fault," Gwaine protested. "C'mon, Percy. Just a short, little picnic with just the two of us later today. You know the Princess is going to work us to the bone today during training. I'll want to relax with my husband afterward. Please?"

Percival sighed again before pulling his boot on and standing up.

"Fine," he replied, giving Gwaine a small smile. "I'll go on a picnic with you later today."

Gwaine beamed at him before pecking his cheek, grabbing his sword, and heading out to the training field, whistling the whole way.

"What did you say to make him so happy?" Lancelot asked as Percival grabbed his sword.

"I agreed to go on a picnic with him later," Percival replied as the two of them left the armory.

"Are you sure that that's a good idea?" Lancelot asked. "Remember Yuletide?"

"I can't forget," came the huffy reply. "But he does want to spend time with me, so I can at least grant him that."

"Your funeral," Lancelot shrugged as he made his way over to Leon to pair up with. "Try not to have a repeat of Yuletide."

Percival just rolled his eyes before making his way over to Gwaine.

Oh, believe me, I'll try not to.


"Wow, you really came prepared with everything."

"Anything to make you happy, Gwaine."

The married couple had found a perfect spot in the woods to set up their picnic; a clearing that brought in just enough sunlight that it wasn't too cold or too hot. Percival had managed to bring everything for the picnic, and stars shone in Gwaine's eyes as his husband set everything up. Instead of calmly sitting next to him, Gwaine plopped unceremoniously down next to Percival, immediately melting into the taller man's side and downing a cup of ale. Percival watched him with a fond look on his face as he began to eat the grapes he brought.

"I swear, the princess has been training us so hard lately," Gwaine whined as he took an apple and bit it. "It's almost non-stop for the past few weeks! I've been so tired that I've barely had time to spend it with you." He snuggled closer to Percival. "I just want one day where the two of us don't have to do anything."

"I wish that too," Percival smiled, ignoring the small blush on his face. "But, with what happened-"

"Stop bringing up Yuletide!" Gwaine pouted before biting into his apple again. "I told you that it wasn't all my fault! If Merlin had just-"

"If Arthur heard you bring Merlin into this, you'll never stop training," Percival cut him off, chuckling at Gwaine's adorable pout.

"Fine," Gwaine said, turning his attention back to his apple. "I promise that this picnic will be no trouble at all. It will just be a calm and orderly picnic with just the two of us."

"I'll hold you to that promise," Percival said, wrapping an arm around Gwaine's waist. "Now, get over here."

Gwaine let out a squeak as Percival dragged him over so that the smaller man was now sitting in his husband's lap. Gwaine curled closer to the man, pressing his back against his chest as he finished up his apple. He then chucked the apple core off into the woods somewhere and settled closer to Percival. Percival chuckled at this, his deep laugh making Gwaine's entire body vibrate. This made Gwaine smile and he tilted his head up and placed a quick kiss just underneath Percival's chin. Percival responded by bending down and capturing Gwaine's lips in a kiss that lasted until they were out of breath. When they both pulled back, both of their faces were flushed, and they continued to sit there in comfortable silence. It was only after all of the food and drink were gone that Gwaine spoke up again.

"I want to do this again sometime," he said, his voice soft. "Just, you know, get away from the castle with only you and enjoy a peaceful day like today."

Percival hummed as he wrapped his arms tighter around Gwaine's waist and placed his head on the other man's shoulder.

"I like that idea," Percival replied as the two of them watched a pair of deer leap away. "I like that a lot."

The two of them lapsed into silence again until a noise was soon heard. Percival perked up at this, his arms no longer holding Gwaine gently, but protectively.

"Did you hear that?" Percival muttered into Gwaine's ear, ignoring the other man's shudder.

"Yeah," Gwaine replied, eyes narrowing. "It doesn't seem like an animal."


"God I hope not."

Unfortunately for Gwaine, loud yells that emerged from the trees proved him wrong. The couple hastily stood and Percival pushed Gwaine behind him as he grabbed his sword from his pack.

"I can't believe you brought your sword with you on our picnic!" Gwaine exclaimed, his hands digging into Percival's shoulders. 

"I can't believe you didn't!" Percival yelled back, tightening his grip on his sword. "Arthur taught us to always be prepared!"

"You think I actually listen to him?!?"

Percival was about to say something, but the emerging forms of bandits entered the clearing, surrounding the two men.

"Gwaine, run back to the castle and get help," Percival said through gritted teeth. "I'll hold them off until then."

"What, are you crazy?!?" Gwaine shouted. "I can handle myself even without my sword! I'm not leaving you to fend for yourself!"

Knowing how stubborn Gwaine could be, Percival reluctantly sighed and nodded.

"Fine, but if you get hurt the slightest bit-"

"I will come to your protection."


Percival was interrupted by a bandit running towards him, a club raised. Percival instantly incapacitated him before moving on to the next bandit, anger in his eyes. Gwaine had already taken down one bandit and had grabbed his sword, now using it against the other bandits. Together, the two of them took down the bandits until there were only a few left that ran off deeper into the woods. Both men stood there, panting from exhaustion, before Percival dropped his sword and ran over to Gwaine.

"Gwaine, are you hurt anywhere?" he asked as he took Gwaine's face in his hands. "You're okay, right?"

"Relax, Percy," Gwaine laughed, placing his hands over Percival's. "I'm fine. The picnic area isn't."

"At least it was just that and not you," Percival smiled, placing a kiss on Gwaine's forehead. "Let's get everything cleaned up and head back."


"What happened to you two? I thought you were just going on a picnic!"

"We did have a picnic. Don't worry about what happened to us."

"Oh, Merlin you should have been there! Percival was so strong and protective of me when the bandits attacked us! I was so proud of my savior that I promised him he'd get a reward tonight!"


Merlin One-ShotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora