Knights' Day Off

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Percival grumbled something inaudible before covering his face with his pillow. However, the person who just yelled his name yanked the pillow off of Percival's face, proceeding to throw it across the room. Someone cried out in shock letting Percival know that the pillow had hit an unsuspecting knight. Percival opened his eyes to see Gwaine leaning over him, wearing a large grin on his face. Their faces were uncomfortably close, and this made Percival shove his friend to the ground before getting out of bed himself.

"Gwaine, why the hell did you wake me up?" Percival asked his friend who was still lying on the floor.

"And why did you throw this pillow?"

Percival and Gwaine turned to see Leon approach them, groggily rubbing the sleep out of his eyes with one hand, while holding the pillow with the other.

"Why are you even up this early, Gwaine?" Elyan was now awake, as was Lancelot and Mordred.

"Princess is in bed with a fever," Gwaine chuckled to himself, standing up. "We have the whole day off to do whatever we want."

The other knights' faces broke into huge grins as Gwaine hurriedly dressed.

"If you need me-" Gwaine began but was cut off by a grinning Lancelot.

"You'll be in the tavern," Lancelot finished for him.

Gwaine grinned and winked at his friend. "You know me well, Lance."

The others rolled their eyes and the long haired knight disappeared from sight. Leon turned to the others, a question on his mind.

"So, what are we going to do today?" Leon asked his friends.

"Well, seeing that Merlin will have the day off since Gwen's taking care of Arthur, I'll go and visit him," Lancelot replied, swiftly changing into his everyday clothes. "I haven't been able to talk to him much."

"I'm going to collect some supplies for the blacksmith," Elyan replied as he and the other knights also changed. "I think he needs a little help." He soon left.

"I'm going to go down to the market to see what they are selling," Mordred replied. "Anyone want to come with me?"

"I'll join you, Mordred," Leon offered, and soon the two friends were off.

Lancelot and Percival were the only ones left.

"What are you going to do, Percival?" Lancelot asked his friend.

"I'll join you in visiting Merlin," Percival replied.

Lancelot smiled, and both of them left to Gauis' chambers.


Merlin was leaning back in a chair, reading the spell book that Gauis had gave to him when he first arrived in Camelot. He would rather be spending his day off with either Freya or his friends, but Freya had duties to attend as Morgana's maidservant, and he was stuck here doing chores for Gauis. Well, more or less doing them. The brush made its way skillfully around the floor by itself, stopping to dip itself into the bucket of soapy water before continuing to scrub the floor. Another bucket was floating by itself in the air, clothing dipping in and out of the bucket, occasionally wringing itself out before it was layed out on a chair to dry. Gauis was gone, off to visit a sick man in the village and hopefully cure him.

The sound of the door opening made Merlin peek above his book. Lancelot and Percival had walked in, smiling as they noticed the floating bucket. Merlin's eyes flashed gold, and soon the brush had stopped moving, the bucket was placed on the floor, and the clothing was placed on the table. Merlin grinned, placed the book down, and made his way over to his friends.

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