Rapunzel AU (Merthur)

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*this one was requested by Immy_Henden *

Merlin sighed as he looked out the window, brushing a strand of his long hair away from his face. 20 years. It's been 20 years since he's been taken away from his family and placed in this tower. He never knew this, however, and believed that he has always belonged here. A movement in the distance made Merlin perk up, but he sighed again when it was just Nimueh who appeared from the forest. Nimueh approached the tower and smiled up before calling for Merlin.

"Merlin! Let down your hair!" she called up.

"Of course, Nimueh!" Merlin called back before throwing his 70 feet black hair out the window.

Nimueh grabbed onto the hair and Merlin pulled at his hair until she entered the tower.

"Anything interesting happen out there?" Merlin asked as he dragged his hair back inside.

"I bought some strawberries from the market for you," Nimueh explained, placing the basket down on the table. "I have to head back for a meeting with the King. He was trying to make an arranged marriage for his son, Prince Arthur. However, the Prince has disappeared and the King has called me for help."

"That Prince seems like such a clot pole," Merlin stated, making a face as he pulled out the strawberries. "An arranged marriage doesn't seem so bad. At least it's better than being stuck up in a tower for all of his life."

Nimueh frowned at this before placing a hand on Merlin's cheek and turning his head.

"Merlin, you know why I keep you up here," she stated.

"The world is too dangerous for me," Merlin sighed before moving off to where the oven was. "I've heard it so many times from you."


"I'll make a strawberry cake for when you get back," Merlin cut her off. "Shouldn't you be going?"

Nimueh sighed before turning around to leave.


Merlin wordlessly let his hair down and waited for Nimueh to climb down it.

"I'll be back soon," she smiled at him before she disappeared.

As she ventured into the woods she didn't see the blonde man that emerged into the clearing that held the tower.


"Merlin! Let down your hair!"

Merlin stood up from where the oven was when he heard the unfamiliar voice.

Who is that? he thought as he peered out the tower window.

He looked down to see a blonde man around his age looking up at him. His breath caught in his throat when the man smiled at him, and, forgetting what Nimueh told him, let down his hair so the man could climb it. As soon as the man entered the tower, Merlin immediately hid his face behind his hair in embarrassment.

"Who are you?" the man asked him.

"Who are you?" Merlin replied, moving a small part of his hair so only an eye was visible.

"Prince Arthur of Camelot," the man replied, folding his arms. "Surely everyone knows who I am."

"Oh, the clot pole," Merlin chuckled before clearing the rest of his hair from his face. "Nimueh told me about you. I'm Merlin."

"Wait, Nimueh?" Arthur asked, shock on his face. "The witch?"

"Hey, don't call her that!" Merlin shouted, frowning. "She's extremely kind!"

"'Kind'?" Arthur scoffed. "She's the one who killed my mother! She's even placed my father under a spell to make an arranged marriage! She even kidnapped a...baby...to..."

"To what?" Merlin asked as Arthur trailed off.

"To...use...as...a...sacrifice...for...a...spell..." Arthur whispered before his eyes grew wide. "Merlin! How long have you been in this tower?"

"Well, as long as I can remember," Merlin replied, still confused. "I'm turning 20 tomorrow."

"We need to get out of here," Arthur said, grabbing Merlin's wrist. "Nimueh is planning to sacrifice you tomorrow in order to take over the kingdom!"

"That's ridiculous!" Merlin replied, wrenching his hand from Arthur's grasp. "She would never do that to me!"

"Actually, Merlin, that's where you're wrong."

Both men turned to see Nimueh emerge from a hidden door, a smirk on her face. Arthur pushed Merlin behind him before taking out his sword.

"Well, my Prince," Nimueh said, forming a fireball in her hand. "It seems that you have figured everything out. Too bad you won't be able to tell anyone."

She threw the fireball at them, forming a ring of fire around Arthur as he pushed Merlin out of the way.

"Arthur!" Merlin exclaimed as Nimueh grabbed him. "Let me go!"

"I'm sorry Merlin, but I can't do that," Nimueh replied as she dragged him towards the window.

Merlin looked back to Arthur, who looked worriedly back at him. Merlin sighed before turning back to Nimueh.

"I'll willingly go with you only if you let Arthur go," Merlin demanded.

Nimueh sighed before nodding and getting rid of the fire that surrounded Arthur.

"Merlin, let down your hair," Nimueh demanded.

Merlin did as he was told, and when Nimueh was just out the window, Arthur ran forward and used his sword to cut Merlin's hair. Merlin let out a shout of surprise, and both of them heard Nimueh scream until it was abruptly cut off.

"A-Arthur-" Merlin stammered, moving his hands to his hair.

"We should go," Arthur said softly as he took Merlin's hand and led him out through the secret door.


A year had passed ever since Merlin and Arthur escaped Nimueh and the tower. Merlin was able to finally reunite with his real parents and even had a chamber all to himself in the castle, courtesy of Arthur. Speaking of Arthur, the said man was looking for Merlin at the moment. He eventually found Merlin out in the garden, braiding his hair that managed to grow to his shoulder. Arthur cleared his throat, startling Merlin.

"Oh, Arthur!" Merlin exclaimed as he ran towards him. "What's the matter?"

"Ah, Merlin," Arthur began, looking down in nervousness. "I, uh, wanted to ask you something."


"Merlin. Would you...uh...would you..."

Merlin laughed, startling Arthur. He grabbed Arthur's hands in his own and smiled at him.

"Yes, I will marry you."

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