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*This request is from ayyye! *

"Great, another hunting trip," Merlin grumbled under his breath as he leaned back in his saddle.

"Maybe if you learned to hunt you would enjoy it more," Arthur chuckled by Merlin's side. 

"Merlin has a point though," Gwaine spoke up, catching everyone's attention.

"What do you mean?" Percival asked.

"It seems that every time we go on hunting trips, something bad happens."

As if it was just on cue, yells surrounded them. All of them turned to see bandits running towards them, yelling. 

"I told you!" Gwaine yelled, jumping off of his horse and grabbing his sword.

"Oh, shut up Gwaine!" Arthur yelled, doing the same.

They all, except Merlin, ran at the bandits to fight. Merlin did what he could with his magic, making sure that no one could see him. A movement caught his eyes as he saw a bandit running towards Arthur, who was busy trying to defeat another bandit. 

"Arthur!" Merlin cried out running towards the King. 

Arthur defeated the first bandit and turned around to see Merlin tackle the second bandit. Screaming, both of them rolled down the large hill that was next to them.

"MERLIN!" Arthur yelled as he watched his friend disappear from his sight. 

Anger began to flow through his veins, and soon he and the knights managed to defeat the rest of the bandits.

"Sire?" Leon asked, walking up to the quiet King.

"We must go down there," Arthur commanded, pointing down the hill with his sword. "Merlin is useless without us. Hurry!"

Following Arthur, the knights quickly, but carefully, made their way down the hill.


Merlin groaned as he sat up and rubbed his head. The bandit who he tackled was lying next to him, unconscious. Carefully, Merlin stood up, ignoring the throbbing pain in his head. He looked up, and visibly winced when he saw how tall the hill he tumbled down was. Grumbling to himself, he began to move forward. 


Hearing his name being called, he turned to see Arthur and the knights running towards him.

"Hey, are you guys al-" Merlin was cut off by Arthur hugging him.

"I can't believe you would do something that stupid to help me!" Arthur chuckled as he let his friend go. 

"I-it was nothing, Arthur," Merlin replied sheepishly.

"That was very brave of you, Merls!" Gwaine exclaimed happily.

"Glad you're okay," Elyan smiled as well.

Merlin chuckled awkwardly as he received praise from his friends. Finally, Arthur pushed them aside as he made his way towards Merlin.

"Well, I guess this means that I owe you a day off," he smirked.

"Really?" Merlin asked hopefully. 

Arthur just laughed in reply, slinging his arm around Merlin's shoulders, and leading the way out of the woods and back to Camelot.

*Sorry that this one was so short! Hopefully, the next one will be longer!*  

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