Part 11: I'm Glad You're Back

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Beast Boy pov

"I didn't mind that you saw." Rae says nonchalantly, just as I was swallowing my food.

I can feel a noodle start to go down the wrong pipe. I drop my fork and start coughing. Did I hear her right?

"Wh-what?" I ask, still coughing from the noodle.

Her face is completely blank, making it hard to read. She won't even look at me. After I've finally stopped choking I shift so I'm facing her.

"Rae, I gotta ask. Do you like me?" I ask.

To my surprise her cheeks flush. My heart starts to pound so loudly I can hear it. She turns to me, slightly biting her bottom lip.

"I..." Rae starts to say, but she quickly goes silent.

She nervously rubs her palm with her thumb. I reach out and gently take her hand.

"Rae, I know we kissed and everything, but I want to know whether that was a spur of the moment for you or not." I say softly.

She looks me in the eyes. Her face painted with mixed feelings.

"I do, but I know I've done a lot of things to you that would make you not like me back the same way." Rae's voice quivers as tears threaten the edge of her eyes.

"Like what?" I ask, completely confused. She's never done anything bad.

"Like treat you like a child. Made you feel like you weren't an equal in the team, like you were just some stupid kid, like... Li-" I cut her off by holding a finger to her lips.

"Shh, we were all going through stuff back then. Also, you were hardly the worst offender. To be fair I also use to just try to annoy you sometimes." I say with a chuckle.

She looks up at me, still unsure.

"Rae, I really like you and I think I have for a long time. I just wasn't aware of it until I saw you again." I say, looking into her beautiful purple eyes.

"I like you too." She says quietly.

It feels like my heart exploded when she said those words. She likes me! I lean in and quickly kiss her soft lips. Her arms wrap around my neck, pulling me into a longer kiss. I close my eyes and wrap my arms around her.

She's so small now. So cute. I pull away from the kiss, still holding her.

"Rae, will you be mine?" I ask breathlessly.

She smiles at me and nods, too flustered to even respond. With absolute joy I lean in to kiss her again.

After making out a bit we finally separate. Suddenly shy, we eat the last of our dinner. As we clean the dishes Rae's phone rings. I keep cleaning as shes goes to answer.

"Oh for f---- sake." She curses under her breath.

I can't help but chuckle at her frustrated swear. I shut off the water and dry the plates.

"Hey Star." Rae says.

"Friend Raven! Is Friend Beast Boy there?" I hear Star say over the speaker.

Rae comes over to me and holds the phone in front of us, revealing that the call is a video call. Star is smiling wide at us. Her red hair is damp and she's wearing a tank top that says "Coffee is my only love."

"Friend Beast Boy! I must tell you. Friend Cyborg and I will be doing the visiting together tomorrow!" Star exclaims excitedly.

Before I can say anything Rae pulls the phone closer to her.

"WHAT?! TOMORROW?!" Rae yells.

I put the last dish down and place a hand on Rae's shoulder.

"Hey, I mean that's okay. They just want to hang out." I say trying to calm her down.

"Fine, come tomorrow. I don't care." Rae says in monotone.

"Wonderful! We will be there or..." Star giggles "be square! Haha. I learned that from friend photographer today." She says, following it with goodnights.

Rae tosses her phone on the couch.

"Are you okay Rae?" I ask.

I notice things starting to float around us. Shoot, she's mad. Why's she mad? Am I gonna die already? I guess it was a good life. I told Rae I liked her, so I suppose I'm ready. I just wish I could have grown old with h-.

"I wanted to spend the day with you." She says quietly, as things were dropped back down.

She got mad because now we can't spend tomorrow together alone? That's so cute. I never imagined Rae would say that. I step closer and embrace her.

"Awwww, you already can't get enough of me?" I say smiling.

Suddenly a portal opens up behind me and Rae breaks our embrace and pushes me through it. I fall from the ceiling onto the couch, knocking the wind out of me.

Rae leans over the back of the couch and pokes my face.

"Say something like that again when I'm annoyed I'll portal you into the ocean." She says only half jokingly.

I laugh and smile up at her. I reach up and touch her cheek softly. Her skin is so soft and she's so beautiful. I'm glad I came back.

"I'm glad you came back, Garfield." Rae says, almost as if she read my mind.

"I am too. Mostly because I get to be with you." I say, watching her cheeks turn red.

She walks around the couch and sits down on the edge beside me.

"Garfield?" She says. Man, I love it when she says my name.

"Yes?" I say, reaching up to play with her hair.

"Can I call you Gar?" She asks quietly.

I smile up at her nervous face.

"Of course, Rae." I reply, reaching my hand behind her head and grntly pulling her into a kiss.

Author's note

Thank you guys for the input on what to do with the schedule! I have decided to go on a hiatus to build up chapters so we can go back to a consistent upload schedule. Also, got my exams and life stuff (╥﹏╥). I will definitely be back though, so don't worry! I hope to return after Thanksgiving! I do plan on releasing a Halloween special though, so look out for that! Thank y'all for the support, I hope y'all enjoy the chapter, and most of all stay safe! (◍•ᴗ•◍)❤

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