Part 28: Merged

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Raven's pov

Cy holds out his hand, revealing two crystals that have melded in the center.

"BB's crystal and the dark one merged... I-I don't know if it's possible to get them both out alive." Cy says quietly.

I stand there, letting his words sink in. I close my eyes and take a deep breath. Even if I don't have my powers right now I should still try to stay calm. I can't help at all if I'm panicking.

"Why can't both come out alive?" I ask.

"Well, the crystal itself is like a physical representation of a person's power. Bee and I have figured out a way to reverse this effect by forcing the powers to be reabsorbed by the person inside. This will then cause the crystal to disappear while getting the person out, but I don't know if it would work with two people in a single crystal." Cy explains.

My mind flashes back to when I broke out of my crystal. I put all my energy into the crystal and broke it. That must be the cause of not having powers anymore. I faintly remember the other crystal saying something about losing my powers too.

I take the crystal from Cy and hold it. I can feel the energy swirling through the crystal. Two different energies. If I had my powers I could probably separate the two energies.

"Is there anyway to get the machine to recognize the different energies?" I ask.

"Not at the moment. It can only detect energy levels and they have the same. We'd have to get someone else to figure out something that complex and by the time they figure it out it could be too late. Energy is spilling out from the crystal and once it's all gone they could both die." Cy says looking defeated.

My head is spinning and my emotions are starting to get out of control. I just want Gar to be okay. I don't want to lose him, but I also don't want to sacrifice the other person trapped in the crystal.

A knock on the door causes me to jump a little because I was so wrapped up in thought. Starfire enters the workshop. Her hair is pulled into a tight ponytail and she looks exhausted. She must have just gotten back from dealing with the Crystalizer.

"Sorry, I overheard a bit. I think I know a someone who could help." Star says.

"How could they help?" I ask.

"They have a power that can freeze the time. Perhaps it could freeze the powers from escaping." Star suggests.

"I'm certainly willing to try it. It would buy Bee and me more time and maybe get help." Cy says.

I nod in agreement. I'm willing to try anything at this point.

"I shall make the call then." Star says, pulling her phone out and going out into the hallway.

After several minutes she comes back smiling.

"He has accepted to help!" She exclaims.

Cy and I both thank Star. I hug her tightly. She might have just saved both Gar and the other one trapped inside the crystal.
Several hours later

Star has gone to get some much needed sleep and Cy is back to working on the machine. He's called in some help who will join us after their mission.

Alfred escorted me to my room and told me to get some rest as well, but I can't sleep right now. My mind is on Gar. Is he doing alright? What caused the crystals to merge? How long will he be trapped?

I sit up in bed. It's 3am and the whole mansion is silent. I think I'll get some tea and watch TV. Maybe I can sleep then.

I grab my crutches and slowly hop my way down the hallway and down the stairs. I see a light on underneath the door to the common room. Maybe Nightwing is still watching over Terra?

I open the door and find Beth sitting on the couch reading a book. She turns to look at me and she smiles.

"Raven dear, having a hard time sleeping?" She asks in a soft tone.

I nod and she gestures for me to sit down next to her. She extends her hand for me to hold. I take it, fully aware she'll be able to read every thought in my head.

"I see you have a lot going through your mind." She says.

I nod, emotions starting to well up. 

"Dear, just let it out. You don't have your powers anymore so let everything flow through you for once." She pulls me into a hug.

For the first time in a long time I let everything go. Every moment of fear, sadness, jealousy, and pain. I let it wash over me. Before I knew it I fell asleep.

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