Part 2: The Split

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Raven pov: several hours later (still five years ago)

After meditating until sunset I come back to the common room where Cyborg is watching some movie about a bee. I walk down the hallway to my room. I can feel anger, betrayal, and heartbreak radiating from Starfire's room. I hear Robin talking in a frustrated tone and Starfire's sobs as he's trying to come up with some sorry excuse for his actions.

I walk towards my bed, but stop when I feel something is off. I can feel Starfire's and Robin's emotions, but where is Beast Boy's? I didn't see him out in the common room and lately he's stayed in his room. Our rooms are next to each other I should be able to feel his emotions. I get up and go to his door.

"Beast Boy?" I call through the door. No answer. "I'm opening the door." I say opening the door to reveal his empty bedroom. I spot his communicator on his bottom bunk. He left without his communicator? Why would he... My thoughts are interrupted by a breeze coming through the open window. My heart drops and I feel light-headed. I stumble towards the window, my thoughts growing darker. I grip the window sill and peer down at the rocks.

My heart is beating fast as my eyes adjust to the dark. The rocks... they show no signs of any person... or animal. I breathe a sigh of relief that Beast Boy isn't down there. However, he has left. I don't feel his presence anywhere. I pull my cloak around me tightly and sit below his window.

My chest feels tight... Why does it feel tight? Why am I even this affected? We weren't that close. If anything I thought he was too immature and too pushy at times, so why do I feel like my world is crashing without him?

I sit there in the dark for a while with my knees tucked to my chest and my arms around my legs. I hear footsteps coming down the hallway. I quickly get up, I notice a green monkey plushie on Beast Boys top bunk. I grab it before opening a portal to my room. I step through just as I hear Cyborg call out for Beast Boy through his door.

I stand still in the center of my room. I hear Beast Boy's door open then hurried footsteps moving towards the common room. I put the monkey on my bed and leave for the common room.

"- told you he left. He didn't even take his communicator." I hear Cyborg saying as I turn the corner.

"That makes no sense. He has no reason to leave." Robin argues.

"He has plenty reason." I say in monotone as I walk into the room.

"Whatever. We don't need him the way he is now anyways." Robin says dismissively.

I clench my fists. My blood is boiling at Robin's words. A glass on the counter shatters as my powers start to go out of control.

"What? You're going to get mad? You were never close with him anyways. You put him down many times. You're no saint." Robin says, obviously too angry to be thinking rationally about his words.

"Bro... I wouldn't piss her-" Cyborg starts to say, when I suddenly use my powers to surround Robin in a black barrier and throw him through the large window and into the ocean. "Off..." Cyborg finishes his sentence, staring at the shattered glass. I take back control of my emotions and leave the common room.

I stalk off toward my room when I hear Starfire still sobbing. I sigh and knock on her door. She opens the door with tears in her eyes. She throws her arms around me, causing my hood to fall back.

"Please friend Raven, I cannot bear being alone tonight." She sobs holding me too tightly. I pat her back and agree to stay with her tonight.

We lay in Starfire's pink bed, she's been clinging to me like a child. She's finally fallen asleep after crying for an hour. I let out a silent sigh. I would never admit it out loud, but I didn't want to be alone tonight either.
The aftermath

After tossing Robin into the ocean he had left in the early morning before anyone was awake. Cyborg, Starfire, and I were left to fight villains in a weakend state. Starfire found it difficult using her powers with all the emotions she was feeling. I was having trouble controlling my powers. At times I almost killed the villain due to my anger. Cyborg tried to keep it together, but it was getting to him. We soon asked for help from Titans East. Bee sent Aqualad and Speedy of Titans East to move into the Titans tower to assist us.

Cyborg got an offer to join the Justice League and after talking to Starfire and I he accepted. Starfire then got scouted to be a model/main face of SUPER! magazine (a magazine about all superheroes). Eventually it was just me with Aqualad and Speedy.

After a month without Cyborg and Starfire I spoke with Bumblebee and we decided that Titans East would become the Titans. They would relocate to an area where they could watch over both Steel and Jump city. With new recruits they could definitely handle both cities.

I applied for a job at a bookstore I loved and moved out of the Titans tower soon after. The new Titans use the tower when they're fighting a villain in the area. Other than that the tower is empty.
Raven pov: present

I want to go to the Titan's tower. I feel this way whenever I think about the split.  Usually I ignore these feelings because I'm scared to allow myself to remember the better days. However, it's my birthday for another hour so I'll allow myself to fall into nostalgia for tonight. No one is there so I don't have to worry about hurting anyone if I do lose control.

I stand up, putting the green monkey plushie back on the couch. I pull on a black hoodie and tighten the hood so it won't fall when I'm flying. I open my window and fly out. The moon is bright tonight, illuminating the ocean in the background of the tower. I softly repeat "azarath metrion zinthos" to keep my powers under control as I get closer to the tower.

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