Part 23: Rescued

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Raven's pov

While Star and Bumblebee handle the Hero Hunter and the Crystalizer I crawl over to Gar's crystal. I pick up the bright purple crystal. I can feel the energy radiating from it.

Gar, I'm sorry. This is all my fault. I hold the crystal close to my chest. Star and Bumblebee have finished fighting. They are tying the two villains to a tree until backup comes to take them.

Bumblebee walks over to me. She crouches down and puts a hand on my shoulder.

"It'll be alright, Cy and I have been working on a reversal machine. We think it'll be ready soon." She says.

I just nod. It's all I can manage. The wolf from before brushes up against my side. The wolf sniffs the crystal and licks it. I pat the wolf's head.

I notice Star floating in front of Nightwing, who is still stuck in the goo. Nightwing looks away and I can see Star frown. She uses a beam of green to burn the goo around his feet.

He nods a thanks awkwardly. Star turns away and flies over to me.

"Friend Raven, are you the alright?" She asks.

"My leg is pretty messed up, but I'm okay. I'm just worried about Garfield." I say showing her the crystal.

"I am sure friend Cyborg will get friend Beast Boy out." She bends down, picking me up princes style.

I wrap an arm around her shoulders. Her strength always amazes me. Such a thin figure yet such strength.

"Friend Bumblebee! I am taking friend Raven to the flying ship!" Star calls out to Bee as she flies me through the forest.

We reach the ship and Star carefully places me in the seat behind the pilot.

"Frie- Nightwing will do the flying back." Star says.

I can see the hurt in her eyes. She is still hurting from five years ago. I can't blame her. Seeing Robin again is almost as painful as seeing Terra.

Star gives me a hug and flies off to help with going through the cabin. Hold both Gar's crystal and the dark crystal in my hand.

Don't worry Gar, we'll get you out. I rest my head against the window and drift into sleep.
Beast Boy's pov

I'm in a light purple room or cage or some weird no door place. I knock on the wall. It feels hard, smooth, and cold like a rock.

Even though it's weak I can sense a familiar presence. Rae. She must be nearby. I remember I got trapped in that weird goo then it went dark.

I must be a crystal!

I say/think out loud. It's like an echo, but there isn't actual sound. If it wasn't for being stuck and away from Rae this wouldn't be so bad.

You catch on pretty quick.

Another echo thought thing says... Er thinks?

Who are you?

I ask, looking around.

Just another crystal. I no longer glow like you though.

Is that why it's so Bright? Cause I'm glowing?

Yes, it means you are quite powerful.

Ha, I always knew I was amazing.


Don't doubt me!

I echo yell at the voice.

You are with the woman right? The one with a strong aura?

Yeah, I came to rescue her.

Heh, not sure she needed it. She's very powerful.

Yeah, I know. She's my girlfriend.

I say defensively for some reason. Sid I just get jealous? The hell?

Noted. I need to rest. I don't have much energy left...

Save your energy. The people I know will get us out.

For several hours it's just silence. I'm just laying down, focusing on Rae's energy. For some reason her energy seems really faint. Soon I'll be able to hold you again, Rae.

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