Part 18: Hero Hunter

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Raven's pov

I wake up with my head pounding. I slowly get up, looking around. I'm on a small bed that is pressed lengthwise against the wall. Across the room is a staircase leading up with boxes lined below the stairs. Metal bars separate me from the stairs.

I recall being taken in by that man and then... The soup. The soup must have had something in it. I need to get out of here.

I stand up, focussing my mind and trying to open a portal out of here. For some reason my powers aren't working. I hear footsteps coming down the stairs.

I start to panic as his footsteps get closer. Without my powers I'm in great danger. He comes up close to the bars. My powers really aren't working, because everything would be floating if they were.

"I see you have woken up." Christ Porter says, pushing a plate of what looks like mashed potatoes under a gap between the bars and the ground.

"What the hell is going on?" I ask, staying pressed against the back wall.

"Well little lady, for someone so small you have a lot of enemies. There are a lot of people who would love to get their hands on you." He says, pulling over a box and sitting on it. "So tell me Raven, or should I say Rachel Roth, how'd you end up out here?"

It feels like there is something in my throat causing me to not speak. I have never felt fear like this. Not even when my father was alive.

"Bit scared? Don't worry, you won't be harmed while you're here. I can't promise anything when you get picked up though." He says.

Picked up? To where? I have to get out of here.

"Who... Are you?" Is all I manage to force out.

"I am the Hero Hunter." He says, staring at me intently.

My blood runs cold. I remember a headline soon after the Teen Titans split about the Hero Hunter. The Hero Hunter is able to track down any hero and soon after being found the hero would never be heard from again.

He hasn't been heard of in a long while though. The last I heard he was being searched for by a group of villains due to him not pulling through on a job.

"I see you know who I am. I hope you understand now. The boss will fetch you in 2 days." He says standing up.

He leaves the basement. I sit down on the bed, terrified of what is to come.
Beast Boy's pov

I have three days to find her before I have to help train new heroes. It isn't much time but thanks to Cy's inventions we should be able to find her quickly. Cy also gave me a watch with directions to each dot I have to check. The watch also changes with my transforming, so I'll never lose it.

I head out of Wayne's manor on to the front driveway. Star, Cy, and Bee are waiting for me. I notice the lack of Terra. I feel bad about what happened between us, but Rae is more important.

"Friend Beast Boy, please bring friend Raven back." Star says, tearing up.

"I'm sure he won't have a problem with that. Especially because of the sweet gear I hooked him up with." Cy says, jokingly boasting.

"We hooked him up with." Bee says, nudging Cy's arm.

"Of course. We." Cy says chuckling.

"I'll do my best guys." I tell them and embrace all of them.

I hear the front door crack open. I turn and see Rob- Nightwing walking towards us.

"Ready?" He asks me.

I nod, pulling away from everyone. Nightwing gives a slight nod at them and starts walking. I notice Star turn her head away from him.

I guess they haven't mended anything.

"Let me know if you find her or need help. I'll come as fast as I can." Nightwing says.

"Same to you. I guess I'll see you later." I say awkwardly.

Nightwing nods and gets in his car, speeding away. I guess it's time to go to the first dot. I transform into a pterodactyl and start flying.

Author's note
Hey y'all, I just wanted to apologise for the inconsistent updates. Personal issues have been making me a bit busy. It'll probably continue this way, but it should still be around Saturday. Stay safe and be kind to others! (◍•ᴗ•◍)❤

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