Part 31: Monster

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Raven's pov

I'm walking down the hallway, heading towards the kitchen when the front door opens up. I expect to see Batman returning from his normal work, but instead I'm face to face with green eyes. Gar's goofy smile that shows his fangs is plastered on his face.

"Miss me, Rae?" He asks with a raised eyebrow.

I run into his outstretched arms, wrapping my arms around his neck and kissing his cheek. His arms wrap around me and he picks me up, twirling me like a princess.

"Oh wow, you actually missed me?" He chuckles.

"Of course I did." I mumble as I bury my face into the crook of his neck, taking in his scent.

After a moment he carefully puts me down. I catch him up on everything that has happened since he got trapped. He jokes that if Frossen tries to hit on me he'll have to beat him... In a video game duel. I can't help but laugh at his goofiness.

"I see you forgot to mention me." An eerie voice whispers.

Suddenly a blurry outline of a woman appears between Gar and me.

"She forgot to mention the part where she practically murdered my sister years ago." The voice says.

"Is that true?" Gar asks shocked.

"I-I didn't mean to. My powers went out of control." I stammer.

Gar takes a step back from me. My nose stings as tears star to form.

"Still... You... You murdered someone." He says covering his mouth with his hand.

"No. No, she isn't actually dead though!" I yell, tears falling down my cheeks.

The blurry figure teleports behind me.

"She might as well be after what you did." She whispers in my ear.

"You're a monster, Raven. I shouldn't have ever thought you weren't. I mean you're Trigon's daughter, the biggest monster of them all." Garfield says harshly.

It feels like my heart is being pulled out of my chest as Gar speaks.




I shoot up in bed, panting with tears streaming down my face. I lean forward, clutching my chest. It was just a dream?

It felt so real. So... Painful. I had these dreams before. Where I'd be called a monster, but hearing it in Gar's voice broke my heart into pieces. What if he really would feel that way?

During that period I left some villains unable to walk, talk, or think. I felt, and still feel, terrible for everything I did. I really did act like a monster.

"Friend Raven! I am entering!" I hear Star call through the door.

I pull myself out of bed as the door opens.

"Ah, did I wake you?" She asks concerned.

"No, I was already awake." I reply.

Star floats over to me and studies my face.

"You had the nightmares." She says quietly.

I'm not surprised she noticed. I'd have nightmares often after losing control. Unfortunately I had my powers back then and I'd create a hole in the wall when I had them. Star was the only one who could calm me down then.

Star was, and still is, powerful enough to be protected from my powers. No matter how many holes I made, she would be able to keep herself safe with her powers. In fact, she perfected a barrier that she could surround herself in because she would comfort me.

Star hugs me tight, but doesn't ask about the nightmare. She tells me that Cy, Bee, and Nightwing have gone to check the coordinates Beth gave them. I wish I could go, but I know I'd be useless without my powers.

After I get dressed, Star and I join Terra and Beth in the kitchen. Beth is talking to Terra at the kitchen island about a student with abilities in her class.

"If they're able to control it then you won't have to worry about being taken over anymore." Beth explains.

Terra is nodding when she notices Star and me.

"Good morning! Lanely said there is someone with the ability to block other's powers from working, so I have a chance to not be taken over anymore." Terra says excitedly.

"Yes, but they're still very new and having trouble controlling it." Beth says gently.

"What is the trouble?" Star asks.

"Mostly focusing and steadying their emotions. Without control they can't block any abilities and end up blocking the wrong ones." Beth sighs.

"I don't have powers anymore, but I could try and help them." I offer without even realizing what I'm saying.

"Really? That would be wonderful. Perhaps we could help Terra faster so she can return to her normal life." Beth says optimistically.

Alfred enters the kitchen with a phone in hand.

"Hello ladies, there is an update on the situation." He says, walking over and putting the phone on speaker.

"Guys, we have a problem." Cy's voice comes through the phone.

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