29: Frossen

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Raven's pov

It has been a week since I cried my heart out. I've been helping watch over Terra, who seems to be doing well fighting off whoever is trying to control her. She still doesn't remember the Teen Titans or anything.

I've gotten to know the current her better. She's currently in college and majoring in geology. I couldn't help but feel relieved when I learned that she's apparently living with her boyfriend.

Once I switch out with Bee on watching over Terra I would help Cy with the machine for reversing the crystals back into humans. He's made a lot of progress, but we still haven't figured out a way to safely extract them.

Cy has asked an old inventor for superheroes to help, but we haven't heard back from him yet. Star, Nightwing, Beth, Bee, and sometimes Cy have been training people with powers to either become superheroes or use their powers for good.

I sat in on a few classes and a lot of them have great potential. Some powers couldn't be used to fight villains, but they would be useful in a support or creative role.

Watching them made me miss having my powers, but I'm able to be even more expressive. I've cried everyday this past week and it felt like a huge weight was lifted off my shoulders.

Alfred comes into Cy's workshop and announces Starfire's guest has arrived. Finally the one who is able to freeze time has come. I quickly hobble my way to the front door. I no longer have to use crutches, but I still have a cast on.

I find Star and Nightwing already at the door. The door opens and Star jumps and hugs someone out of view. I can see a deep frown on Nightwing's face.

I come closer and find Star floating and hugging a very handsome man. He is tall and muscular. His dreadlocks are pulled back into a ponytail and his stunning deep blue eyes are mesmerizing.

He laughs and hugs Starfire back.

"Hey there Fire, I heard you need something frozen in time?" He asks, smiling at her.

"Yes! We need the help. Only you can assist in this issue." Star says, leading him inside the mansion.

He turns to Nightwing and me.

"Hi there, I'm known as Frossen but you guys can call me Anders." He says shaking my hand first.

He goes to shake Nightwing's hand, but Nightwing pulls away and heads down the hallway.

"Nice to meet you Anders. You can call me Raven or Rachel. Thank you for coming to help." I say, trying to distract him from Nightwing's obvious jealousy.

"No problem. Star filled me in on some of the details. I'll do everything I can to help." He says, following Star and me down the hallway.

We find Nightwing already in Cy's workshop over by the merged crystal. The crystal has changed from a light purple to a darker purple over the last week.

"Hey man, thanks for helping us out." Cy greets Frossen.

Frossen returns the greeting, but is cut off by Nightwing.

"You should freeze the crystals first then talk afterwards." Nightwing says coldly.

Anders looks over at me and raises an eyebrow. I shrug and pick up the merged crystal. I explain to him how in order to save them we need it to stop leaking energy.

"I'll try my best. It might take a few sessions to fully freeze it in time." He says taking it in his hands.

I watch as he closes his eyes and cups his hands around the crystal. A soft light emanates from between the small gaps between his fingers.

Minutes pass, Star has left to teach superhero trainees and Nightwing left without a word. I help Cy with the machine and keep an eye on Anders.

"Well, the first part is done. I'll have to do it one more time to completely freeze it, but I'm getting really hungry. Using my powers for that long takes a lot fo energy." He says putting the crystal down on the bench carefully.

"For now it shouldn't leak much. Though since energy is still swirling around inside it will slowly chip away my freezing, so I'll have to fully freeze it." He says pulling over a chair and sitting next to us.

"Thank you Anders. I'll get you some food. What would you like?" I ask getting up from my seat.

"Something sweet. Maybe cake? Anyways, there is something else. If I fully freeze the crystal that will mean everything inside will be frozen. That means the two stuck in there will be frozen in time. So they'll be the same as they are now once released no matter how long has passed." He explains.

"I'll take that over them dying any day." I say.

Anders smiles and nods in agreement. I leave to get him something to eat. Hopefully Gar and the other person won't have to wait long to be unfrozen.

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