Part 17: Tracking

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Beast Boy's pov

I knock on Robin's door. He tells me to come in. I step into his room. There aren't any windows, just monitors stacked and lined along the back wall. Different types of maps, recordings, and alerts are on the screens.

On the left wall is a workbench with a stool in front and gadgets strewn about on top. Two sticks are placed under a light and tools next to them. Those must be his main weapons.

Along the right wall is his bed, which is neatly made. A shelf is above his bed with few personal belongings. I notice his old mask and the communicator are on the shelf. There is also a framed photo, but it has been flipped down.

"Come over here." Robin says.

I walk over, unsure of what to say to him. I thought I'd be mad when I see him, but I just feel... Nothing. I just want Rae back.

"I've checked security camera recordings with facial recognition and haven't been able to find her. I've also checked for rumors that could relate to her powers, but I've found nothing." He pinches the bridge of his nose.

"I don't know what else to search for. She doesn't even have any electronics on her." Robin sighs.

"I could try tracking her by scent, but I'd need a smaller area to search." I say.

Robin nods, typing more. I can see him trying to search faces on my security cameras. I pull the stool from the workbench over and sit behind him.

An hour later there's a knock on the door.
Robin tells them to come in. Cy walks in with Bumblebee behind him.

"Yo, Nightwing." Cy says calmly.

Robin turns around to face him.

"We have something that can help you with your search for Raven." Bee says.

They come over to us with some device in Cy's hand.

"I've been working on a device that can track someone with powers through recognizing particles that are unique to a power. With my smart ass girlfriend I've been able to iron out the major kinks." Cy says walking to the middle of the room.

Bee follows and puts down something on the ground. She backs up a bit and the thing on the ground starts glowing. Suddenly a large  holographic globe is projected.

"With this globe and this device I can scan the world for traces of Raven's power. As I said though, we ironed out the major kinks but there are still some... Limitations." Cy says.

"What limitations?" Robin asks.

"We can't find someone without having they're powers already scanned. This isn't an issue though, I already have a scan of Raven's powers from our training. The particles can't be detected after 24 hours. The good thing is Raven hasn't been gone for 24 hours. The detection is okay, but not perfect. It'll detect her powers, but it might detect other things that have similar particles." Cy explains.

"Also, it can't detect anything indoors or underground either. So if the power is used in a house, basement, or any enclosed area the device won't find it." Bee chimes in.

"If you're able to narrow down the search area that would be more than what I can do right now." Robin says.

Cy points the device at the globe and clicks a few buttons. As the globe spins the device scans and small red dots appear. There a few scattered around the globe.

"These are the places Raven could be." Cy says pointing at the dots.

"Remember these are possibilities not guarantees. She could have ended up underground." Bee adds.

Robin copies the coordinates of the dots into a gps device.

"This is more than we had before. Beas- Logan, you take half and I'll take half. We should be able to cover all of them in 3 days, which is how much time Batman gave you." Robin says, handing me a gps with some of the locations.

"Yeah, that should be good. I'll head out then. Thanks a lot Cy." I say.

"No problem BB. If I could I'd join ya, but Batman has me on training duty." Cy pats my back.

Robin raises an eyebrow. I forgot that he doesn't know about Rae and me. He doesn't mention it though and goes to gather his gear the workbench.

"BB, follow me. I got some gear for you." Cy says.

I follow Cy into his room that Bruce Wayne has lended him. Cy pulls out an old Teen Titans communicator.

"I did some upgrades. It has a built in particle detector so it will beep when you're close to the source. I'm giving Nightwing one too." Cy explains, handing it to me.

"Thanks a lot Cy. With this I'll bring her back to us." I say, putting it in my pocket.

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